Daily Archives: April 18, 2012

Sun Enters Taurus (April 19, 2012)


The wheel of life turns…and you turn too, so as to face a New Sun ris­ing in the East…And you know, that it is time, it is time to take your­self deeper…time to go with­in and con­sid­er your next step in this, your jour­ney of discovery.

You have been through a time of Fire…of Inspi­ra­tions and Visions, of enthu­si­asms and plans for your future…but now you must under­stand what you have with­in you to make it become True.

Now you must move from con­sid­er­ing “Who You Are” to “What You Have”. Now you must come into the won­drous realm of Earth, you must touch and smell, taste and hear, and you will see what is of val­ue in your­self and around you too.

Now you come back to Earth, you come around the wheel into your time of Tau­rus. Those visions, those plans…they are excit­ing and grand, but here you walk upon a mate­r­i­al plane and you must take your ethe­re­al into the Real.

You are a cre­ator pos­sess­ing pow­er, pow­er deter­mined by your self-knowl­edge. You pos­sess the pow­er to make a world, to cre­ate your life after your own fash­ion. What you have, what you hold, is the val­ue of yourself…and what you make, what you cre­ate, is the val­ue that you give.

This is the jour­ney of Tau­rus, the jour­ney into the heart of you, into what makes you “You”. This is your jour­ney to secure your val­ue, to mea­sure what you have and what you can cre­ate. This is your jour­ney to the Foun­tain-Source of you…and what will be revealed is your true self-worth.

And the won­der of that revelation…

What you hold and what you will give…

Is beyond the pow­er of any instru­ment or imag­i­na­tion to measure…

For you are Spir­it whose jour­ney is ever unfolding…

And what you make is the nev­er-end­ing sto­ry of Creation.