New Moon in Taurus (April 21, 2012)


The Moon is said to be the inter­locu­tor or medi­a­tor between Heav­en and Earth. All the ener­gies and rays that pulse through our Solar Sys­tem must make their way to Earth through Luna. The most impor­tant of these ener­getic path­ways are the ones traced by the Mag­is­te­r­i­al dance enact­ed by the month­ly cycle of the Sun and the Moon.

Every month the Moon com­pletes one rev­o­lu­tion around the Earth, weav­ing from inside the cir­cle that the Earth traces around the Sun, to out­side of that orbit and back again…creating a series of small­er month­ly cir­cles along the line of the larg­er year­ly cir­cle of the Earth around the Sun. You see this dance traced across the sky as the Moon wax­es and wanes from month to month.

There are four prin­ci­pal moments in this month long cycle: The New Moon (a time of begin­nings) where a release of new ener­gy is brought about by the Solar/Lunar align­ment. The First Quar­ter or Wax­ing Square (a time of deci­sion, to com­mit), where the Moon cross­es the orbital path that the Earth makes around the Sun (what you would call a “half-moon”), which you will see clear­ly as the Sun sets and the Moon rides high in the sky above. The Full Moon (a time of rev­e­la­tion) which occurs when the Moon is oppo­site to the Sun with the Earth in-between, most dra­mat­i­cal­ly seen as the Sun sets in the West and the Moon ris­es in the East. The Last Quar­ter or Wan­ing Square (anoth­er time of deci­sion, to let go), where the Moon cross­es back over the orbital path of Earth, most beau­ti­ful­ly dis­played when just before the Sun ris­es you see the Moon rid­ing high above (but “fac­ing” the oppo­site direc­tion from the First Quarter).


And final­ly back to the Next New Moon…but you asked, “Where is the New Moon, how can I see it?” Well, you can­not because your view of the Moon is lost with­in the Sun’s glo­ry. (Except, per­haps, twice a year there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty of “see­ing” the New Moon when the Earth, Moon and Sun align exact­ly in what is called a Solar Eclipse.)

A New Moon is a “shad­owed” event, it hap­pens in the dark (or bet­ter yet, lost in the glo­ri­ous radi­ance of the Sun). For sev­er­al days after a New Moon you will watch the Sun set and there is no Moon in the sky…but on the third or fourth night you will see it as the thin cres­cent shape after the Sun has set…and it is then that you know, it is then that you have your con­fir­ma­tion, that yes indeed some­thing new has begun.

Today begins the next cycle of the Sun and Moon, today and tonight, and for the next sev­er­al nights, you must jour­ney with­out the Moon to indi­cate where you are in your month­ly cycle, of your begin­nings, deci­sions and revelations.

Today is the sec­ond New Moon of the Astro­log­i­cal Year, the New Moon of Tau­rus. You have come through the orig­i­nat­ing impuls­es of Aries, those Fiery Enthu­si­asms, your Visions and Ideals…Now they need to become Real.

You need to move deep­er, into Earth ener­gies now…to bring your Spir­it into forms…to man­i­fest the Val­ues that you hold dear…to taste, touch, smell, hear and see the Beau­ty that is your world.

It is the Tau­rus New Moon…Your Time to Dance the Dance that Cel­e­brates the Beau­ty of Spir­it, of Spir­it mov­ing through your mar­velous, won­drous ves­sels of Substance…It is your time for mak­ing the Greater Reality…it is your time to expe­ri­ence the won­der that is your Holy of Holies, the pow­er of Creation.

Tonight, as you look out into the Star­ry Heav­ens above, know that in these seem­ing­ly dark­er times a new Light has been released for you…

Because Spir­it is ever mov­ing to bring Light and Love to fill the spaces of Space…

So, today, and tomor­row, and for all the days to fol­low may you be com­fort­ed, may you be blessed…

For you are Spir­it and you Walk in Beauty!

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