Daily Archives: April 21, 2012

Mercury Conjunct Uranus (April 22, 2012)


You’ve been here before…oh yes you were, just a month ago…and, you recall now, that this seems eeri­ly famil­iar somehow…Yes, there was anoth­er time three weeks before too! That’s right, Mer­cury’s pere­gri­na­tions took your Mind over Uranus not once, not twice, but with today’s cir­cle squared, Mer­cury has aligned with Uranus for a mag­i­cal tri­par­tite touch of Enlight­en­ment! You have received a mighty dose of Intu­itive Insight from your High­er Mind, your High­er Manas!

Mer­cury unas­sist­ed pro­vides you with your observing/processing, categorizing/rationalizing, and com­mu­ni­cat­ing func­tions. What is so high­ly trea­sured (and so inap­pro­pri­ate­ly “mea­sured”) as Intel­li­gence is said to be ruled by your dear friend Hermes…

But what hap­pens when all your infor­ma­tion, all your data points, the­o­ries and knowl­edge fail you? What if the choic­es you have before you (the ones you have inevitably cre­at­ed by your par­tic­u­lar (and self-lim­it­ed) point of view), those Gor­dian Knot­ted dilem­mas you now con­front made by the “givens” of your par­a­digm, seem to be so far beyond your capac­i­ty or capa­bil­i­ty to resolve? What if your so-called “Intel­li­gence”, as it must, inevitably lets you down?

That is pre­cise­ly when the Spir­it answers…it moves to bridge your Void of Under­stand­ing by elic­it­ing your High­er Con­scious­ness, a whiff of your God­li­ness to come (your future state of Cos­mic Con­scious­ness), and Illu­mines your self-thrown shad­owed realms with a Greater Understanding.

That is because your most mar­velous gift of self-aware­ness, your self-reflec­tive think­ing, and with it your capac­i­ty to go beyond the bounds of your low­er or con­di­tioned mind, is brought to you by the felic­i­tous con­join­ing of Mer­cury with these greater gifts bestowed by your High­er Self, by your Mon­ad, by your Spir­i­tu­al Spark of the Divine.…

This High­er Self is the one who abides, watch­es and waits in the heart of you. It works with and through Uranus (and Nep­tune too) to bring you into a greater align­ment with the Tran­scen­dent Aware­ness that per­vades the Cos­mos. It is that aware­ness that con­nects each and every, every one of the ones…so that All of Cre­ation is for­ev­er embraced, loved and resides with­in the One.

Even for just a moment, a whis­per or brush with this Greater Aware­ness, illu­mines the dark­ness and self-cast shad­ows with­in your mind…and behold, you are no longer so confused…you under­stand, you accept…and so you grow…higher now, clos­er to the One…The present prob­lems disappear…into the Maya from which they arose…You try to hold, to stay is this sub­lime state…And you will one day…but that is for anoth­er day…

For now, it is enough, you have your answer…Your jour­ney con­tin­ues and new deci­sions and dilem­mas await you on your path…And just as before, when the dark­ness gath­ers and there seems to be no hope or salvation…Your con­stant com­pan­ion, your divine and gold­en chord will vibrate again and bring you into the holy of holies where all is as it will be, for it is the ever-becoming.

Put aside your trou­bled mind…Let go of your assumptions.…Go to sleep and ask for help…it will come! For you are nev­er alone…

Cel­e­brate the mys­tery as your Earth-bound Mind touch­es the Divine with­in you.…

Bow your head in Rev­er­ence for the Wis­dom, Under­stand­ing and Accep­tance of the One…

For all is well and you are that much clos­er to your home…

This is your journey…and it is Good.