Daily Archives: April 22, 2012

Sun Trine Mars (April 23, 2102)


You are mov­ing for­ward now…and with a greater purpose!

The Sun (the ever-unfold­ing poten­tial with­in you) and Mars (your aspi­ra­tions and actions) align favor­ably again today. Hav­ing received your insight about where you are going (and how you might get there) back on March 3, you are ready to put into motion your heart’s desire.

The Sun is mov­ing through Tau­rus now, pro­vid­ing a strong, steady pur­pose­ful­ness so you can cre­ate, improve and pre­serve your most impor­tant val­ues. Today you arrive at this per­fect align­ment with Mars in Vir­go, which helps to shape your present quest for val­ue by adding a more dis­cern­ing sensibility.

Some­times the quest for val­ue becomes sim­ply about more val­ue, for more of more, which will always lead to phys­i­cal waste­ful­ness as well as spir­i­tu­al pover­ty. You have a need to estab­lish a hier­ar­chy of val­ue in your world, of what is good and how much is good…By doing this, you learn to live in har­mo­ny, cre­at­ing an order with­in and an order with­out that is in bal­ance with your­self and your world…You are then said to walk the path of Grace, you “Live and Walk in Beauty”.

Mars in Vir­go pro­vides the means to dis­cern, devel­op and apply this sen­si­bil­i­ty of a mean­ing­ful order in your life as you align your Val­ues and Actions with your high­er self. You can cre­ate a Hier­ar­chy of Val­ue and a Liv­ing-Way that is worthwhile…You can enjoy the val­ues that you cre­ate, con­sume and share because you are liv­ing a life that is right and true.

Cel­e­brate your Spir­i­tu­al Abundance…Ever-Unfolding, behold the Bound­less Beauty.

Find your Full­ness in Simplicity.…your Val­ue mea­sured by your Grace.

And may you fol­low the one true noble path…

May you Walk in Beau­ty for­ev­er and ever…