Mercury Square Pluto (April 25, 2012)


Remember…Your Life is not about “winning”…Life, your Jour­ney, from form to form, from life to life, from world to world, your jour­ney is about the unfold­ment of your Consciousness…It is about you mov­ing into the Greater Understanding…That is why you came before, that is why you are here now…and why you must keep com­ing back…It is all so you can become, to unfold from with­in your­self, what you are meant to be…And you will do this, more and more, as you come into a more inclu­sive aware­ness, for that is the key to this Greater Understanding…

But now, in the heat of the moment, when you or some oth­er have “truth” (or an agen­da) on your side, well then all Under­stand­ing is put aside…it all comes down to Will and Power…it all comes down to being Right and Righteous…

That is cer­tain­ly the issue when Mer­cury Squares Pluto.…Communications can turn into a “zero-sum” game, there will seem to be a win­ner, and a loser…but nobody real­ly “wins”, nobody moves that way into the Greater Understanding…because when force trumps Under­stand­ing there is an equal dimin­ish­ment of Spir­i­tu­al­i­ty, Rea­son and Truth.

The Pow­er of the Will, the Pow­er of Plu­to is best employed when it is turned back upon one­self in order to dig deep­er, to ques­tion, to reex­am­ine and so renew one­self. In this con­text, when applied to Mer­cury, it gives you an oppor­tu­ni­ty to dive deep­er into your assump­tions and those self-made “facts” and see behind those shad­owed data-points. Plu­to pro­vides the laser-like pow­er to go beyond the Phe­nom­e­na, the appear­ances of things, and seek out the Noume­na, that which stands behind your appar­ent real­i­ty, what is the under­ly­ing cause or thing-in-itself.

Rather than seek­ing to bend anoth­er’s thoughts to your own, or sub­mit to their entreaties or demands, instead of this you must stand in the Cen­ter and try and under­stand what is real­ly the issue, what is real­ly the point of this encounter.

You will find that your real task is to mas­ter your own mind, which is no easy challenge…especially giv­en the dis­tract­ing times we move through. Your mind seems to be for­ev­er dash­ing about and chas­ing after itself, pro­pelled to flit from one per­cep­tion after anoth­er, one stim­u­lus or idea after another…and you find that there is no peace, no center…All that infor­ma­tion, all of that sophis­ti­ca­tion and being so “au courant” leads you away from your true self and to a lack of real understanding.

You need to use this gift of Will to still those swirling, whirling dervish­es in your mind…You need to move into the Silence which is a Full­ness, into the Sacred Space where­in waits your High­er Self…Who has always been there, patient­ly abiding…whispering, inspir­ing, encour­ag­ing you all the while to do the Good.

You have questions…you will have your answers…

But it is not “out there”…

Be Still

Be Cen­tered

Be com­fort­ed for you are nev­er alone…

Wait…and the beloved will come…

And you will Understand.


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