Daily Archives: April 28, 2012

Sun Trine Pluto (April 29, 2012)


Today, your Infi­nite Poten­tial resides with­in your Per­fect Space, your Spark of the Divine embod­ied by your Lov­ing Will…Poised and bal­anced, you move to cre­ate a more per­fect world with­in and without…

It is said, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”…Or, bet­ter, as it is passed down from “mouth to ear” through the Ancient Teach­ings, “Through your Will you will make your Way”…

The Sun rep­re­sents your Cen­ter, the source of your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial wait­ing to be real­ized and so released by you in your jour­ney from unself-con­scious spark of the Divine to ful­ly awak­ened Co-Cre­ator of this Cos­mos. To bring out this poten­tial requires the ever-unfold­ing cre­ation of a Sacred Space to hold the won­der that is you.

Plu­to, the Lord of Will and Bound­aries, is the final arbiter in this sys­tem for this unfold­ment of your potential…For although that poten­tial is tru­ly bound­less it must take place with­in and so unfold (as it devel­ops, expands and trans­forms) in your Sacred Space.

Of course your space is Sacred, but so are all of the “spaces of Space” around you…because all of Space, which is a Full­ness not an empti­ness, a true Plero­ma, is equal­ly Ensouled by a mag­nif­i­cent host of Shin­ing Ones, a mul­ti­tude of ever-unfold­ing con­scious beings, who, like you, are ever striv­ing to move toward their Greater Under­stand­ing too.

That is why one of the great­est pre­cepts or Laws of this Cos­mos is the invi­o­la­bil­i­ty of these infi­nite Sacred Spaces with­in which each and every spark of the Divine resides. As it is said in many ways, in all lands and in all ancient teach­ings, “Thou shall not Trespass”…

You as a spark of the Divine, a being endowed with a Will to Become, must ever strive to cre­ate your world with­in a space that is sacred and secure…but you must do this as you equal­ly relate to the spaces around you with rev­er­ence and love…for what sur­rounds you are the sacred spaces of your fel­low sparks of the Divine.

Today is a day that you are remind­ed that your Spark of the Divine, the Mon­ad or core of you, and your Divine Will, that which is ever at work to define your sacred space, find their most per­fect expres­sion when you under­stand the pre­cept that the only con­trol you need or are indeed per­mit­ted to express is Self-Control.…all else is fol­ly, dan­ger­ous and leads to darkness.

Today you cel­e­brate, because your ever-expand­ing, lumi­nous cre­ation is one of the count­less songs that fill the spaces of Space with the Light Divine.

Today your will, in an ever grow­ing align­ment with the Divine Will, pre­serves, pro­tects and expands your sacred space of self-real­iza­tion in a more con­scious har­mo­ny with the sacred Space that sur­rounds you.

Today you find your Path in that most Ancient Invo­ca­tion to be ever observed as you wing your Way to the Greater Under­stand­ing, that for­ev­er and always…

Let Thy Will be Done”!