Monthly Archives: April 2012

Venus Sextiles Uranus (April 9, 2012)

Ah…this is more like it…or bet­ter yet, the way you feel today, what’s not to like!

When Venus in Gem­i­ni encoun­ters Inde­pen­dent, Inven­tive and Indi­vid­u­al­is­tic Uranus…well let’s just say your self-appre­ci­a­tion and socia­bil­i­ty are all abuzz (not to men­tion your taste buds!)

Venus in Gem­i­ni is all about curios­i­ty, diver­si­ty and exper­i­men­ta­tion; now Venus enjoys the good graces of Uranus who brings his bless­ings of Open­ness and Orig­i­nal­i­ty. You feel com­fort­able in mov­ing out­side your ordi­nary, stretch­ing your appre­ci­a­tion for the delights of a wider world of sen­sa­tion. Go ahead, why not enjoy some­thing beyond the every­day, that’s right, give your­self a treat!

On the social side, you draw clos­er to each oth­er pre­cise­ly because you can now find in them (and they in you) some undis­cov­ered facet of life, some rev­e­la­tion of your­self. For that is how you become more than your conditioning…your self-unfold­ment is quick­ened by the mutu­al elic­i­ta­tion of one another.

You have and hold to one anoth­er by what you already share; you grow togeth­er, life after life, by help­ing one anoth­er move into those undis­cov­ered reach­es that lie with­in and equal­ly around you.

Look into the fath­om­less mys­tery, gaze into your beloved’s eyes…for what looks back upon you is beyond your imagining.

Today there is mag­ic in a taste, in a touch and in that smile…

Today you are becoming…and it is magical.

Venus Squares Mars (April 7, 2012)

Anoth­er day, anoth­er challenge…but this one is “per­son­al”.

Venus rules your Val­ues and she is present­ly skip­ping through those diverse, play­ful and mul­ti­fac­eted delights that Gem­i­ni enjoys. Mars rules your Actions and he has spent quite a while now in Vir­go, all the while attempt­ing to steer you upon a more dis­cern­ing, duti­ful and cir­cum­spect way of being.

Hmm?…Diversity vs. Focus, Play­ful vs. Dutiful…It sure seems as if you have a con­flict on your hands! But, as always, it is just the uni­verse remind­ing you that it is all about you and your jour­ney, work­ing on “The Bal­ance”, stay­ing upon the noble path that comes through syn­the­sis and integration.

After all, you are self-con­scious spir­it and your trip through the Human King­dom is pre­cise­ly for you to fig­ure this stuff out! The low­er life forms fol­low their instincts (they have lit­tle choice), and the beings beyond us…well they are way above and beyond you and your lev­el of under­stand­ing (though they do ren­der assistance)…so you must face and learn from your “Chal­lenge of Choice”.

What do you do in this square, in this chal­lenge between your val­ues and your actions? Venus is cer­tain­ly hav­ing fun in those airy, intel­lec­tu­al pur­suits of the dif­fer­ent and divert­ing, jump­ing from here to there, form­ing new con­nec­tions and con­cepts of what is good, of where and how you find, make and share the val­ues in your life.

Now here comes Mars shap­ing Venus, lay­ing down the oth­er side of the Mer­cu­r­ial Prin­ci­ple, Mars is demand­ing of Venus, “What use is this Diver­si­ty, what pur­pose does it serve, and in the end, is it mak­ing you and your life more whole, inte­grat­ed and at peace?” Venus, may reply, “But I am hav­ing Fun, and this is how to learn”…to which Mars will say…

Maybe, or maybe you are just amused and amus­ing to oth­ers and noth­ing will come of this”…In oth­er words, Venus and Mars are speak­ing from dif­fer­ent spaces, each true to them­selves in their own space, but seem­ing­ly inco­her­ent or threat­en­ing to the other.

What is the answer? Both are right, both are true…but each must take a turn and not pre­sume or assume that they are in the right or that the oth­er is in the wrong. That just will not do. You have to work so that Venus in Gem­i­ni and Mars in Vir­go come to an under­stand­ing that they each are nec­es­sary to one anoth­er, so that you may have a com­plete and bal­anced, inte­grat­ed and ful­fill­ing expe­ri­ence of Right Actions guid­ed by Mean­ing­ful Values.

Yes Venus, you may have to curb or restrain some of that enthu­si­asm for the out of the ordi­nary, because there are lim­its to how much stim­u­la­tion you can health­ful­ly expe­ri­ence. But, Mars you too will have to con­cede that often some of your very own won­der­ful sys­tems, order­ings and peace­ful ways of being were dis­cov­ered by chance, by the very curios­i­ty you find so disturbing.

Yes Mars, bring your dis­cern­ing cri­tique to bear on Venus’ delights, but do not for­get that won­der­ment (and youth­ful­ness) are the core prin­ci­ples of your inner spir­it. And, Venus, you too must remem­ber that though more is cer­tain­ly more, you will find the high­est spir­i­tu­al val­ue comes by sim­plic­i­ty and service.

Really…it is always this way…as in most Spir­i­tu­al lessons…

When faced with con­tra­dic­tions, when con­found­ed by the ener­gies of the Uni­verse pulling you one way and another.…

There is only one path that you can walk…The Path of Integration…

You rise above your cri­sis and find (again) that you have this oppor­tu­ni­ty to lift your­self to a high­er lev­el of consciousness…

You do this by your unique res­o­lu­tion of what had been in conflict…They have joined now because of and through your greater understanding.…

And so you move closer…that much clos­er to the Light!

Full Moon in Libra (April 6, 2012)

Full Moon2

Go out­side tonight…turn and face the East­ern hori­zon, and watch as your majes­tic, lumi­nous Luna rises…

Yes, she cer­tain­ly is beautiful…and big! Not only is it a Full Moon but she is at her Perigee or clos­est approach to Earth too…so all those “Tides”, Ocean­ic and Emo­tion­al, are going to be high­er than nor­mal! When­ev­er there is a Full Moon, you have to watch your­self (and oth­ers) because the ener­gies pour­ing through you are at a very high pitch. So, enjoy this spe­cial surge of forces through and around you, but stay cen­tered and calm, mind­ful and considerate.

This is the First Full Moon in the Astro­log­i­cal Year, the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra. Just as a New Moon releas­es a new theme of inspi­ra­tion in that sign’s expe­ri­ence for you, so too does the Full Moon 14 days lat­er bring to you a rev­e­la­tion of meaning.

The mes­sage of the Libra Full Moon is about your ever-present need to find the bal­ance between your Self (and your need to be your­self) and your Com­pan­ion (and your need to find your­self through your com­pan­ion). Every oppo­si­tion (and the Full Moon is the pri­ma­ry exam­ple of any and all bod­ies in oppo­si­tion) is an oppor­tu­ni­ty to reach a greater under­stand­ing about the truth of both of these expe­ri­ences, (the expe­ri­ence of Self and of the Oth­er), and to real­ize how nec­es­sary they are to one another.

For the mys­tery of life is that you seek to dis­cov­er and present your­self to the world as “I”…yet you will tru­ly find your­self, express your­self and see your­self in and through your rela­tion­ship with your beloved, through your “Thou”.

For the last two weeks, the Aries ener­gies have been surg­ing through you, urg­ing you to find and release yourself…To be self-assertive, indi­vid­u­al­is­tic and headstrong…To leap up, push for­ward and shout out to the Uni­verse “I Am!” But then comes the turn­ing, then comes the balance…

Now as you watch this beau­ti­ful Libra Full Moon rise, you remem­ber (for you have been here before) that with­out rela­tion­ship there is no mean­ing to any of that. The won­der­ful truth is that you are nev­er tru­ly alone (for­ev­er and always, your high­er self is with you).…and one of the great­est Mys­ter­ies of Life is that the beloved who stands before you is part of you, just as you are part of them.

That “you with you”, sep­a­rate yet togeth­er, and with all the oth­er ones of the One, you are all part of this glo­ri­ous cre­ation, this lumi­nous jour­ney of the One through the many, many ones.

In Aries, “I Am”.…

Through Libra, “We Are”…

For the Mys­tery of Creation…is that I, and You and We…are One!

The One, True and Con­stant path, The One True Way…is to Love One Another!

Venus Squares Neptune (April 5, 2012)

Feel­ing misunderstood…feeling a bit con­fused? Wel­come to the club! When your Values/Venus becomes tan­gled up in those won­drous webs of Dreams, Imag­i­na­tion and Fan­ta­sy (but also of Delu­sion and Decep­tion), yep we’re talk­ing about that big beau­ti­ful blue orb, Neptune…well, there is no telling one thing from anoth­er because your bear­ings and bound­aries are all askew.

Venus is trip­ping through Gem­i­ni, through the land of dis­cov­ery and diver­si­ty, of com­par­i­son and con­trast, of your intel­lec­t’s thrill that comes from learn­ing more and more about the amaz­ing vari­ety of how you under­stand, cre­ate, share and dif­fer over what matters…your val­ues. You and every­one else have the same basic needs…but you can meet them in delight­ful­ly dif­fer­ent ways, and you can learn from and enjoy one anoth­er’s sensibilities…And this is very good indeed.

How­ev­er, some­times you may fall into error by pre­sum­ing or read­ing too much into the val­ues of anoth­er, pro­ject­ing your own upon them. And they too may make the same mistake…and with­out a com­mon under­stand­ing, a bridge of shared val­ues and sensibilities…well then you can enter into a very con­fus­ing expe­ri­ence that may lead to feel­ings of con­fu­sion or decep­tion that are most like­ly found­ed in self-delu­sion or self-deception.

And, that is cer­tain­ly most like­ly when Venus is Squar­ing Neptune…and that is rein­forced now by the Dimen­sion­al Shift­ing Space…that Nep­tune is shad­ow­ing Venus from her own most mys­ti­cal, mag­i­cal sign of Pisces…

Well, there is one thing that is cer­tain­ly true…things are cer­tain­ly “different”…so you need to stay cen­tered, to pay atten­tion to your core inner voice and val­ues, find what always has been true for you and then seek for that same core in the oth­er who stands before you too. Nep­tune brings to bear your intuition…but you can­not get in the way, it is not what you wish or want it to be…it is what your soul, the gen­tle whis­per­er reminds you as you look at the other.…“You are that!”

At the periph­ery, diver­si­ty and dif­fer­ence can and must have their day.…

But at the core of each and every being is a spark of the one Divine Light, that holds you and every oth­er, all you ones of the One, in a Greater Understanding…

That you are part of the same fam­i­ly and the same Jour­ney, and that This is your Val­ue that will hold you togeth­er in the ever­last­ing embrace of Spir­it, Truth and Love.

The First Under­stand­ing, the only Val­ue that mat­ters, is to Love One Another.

Mercury Turns Direct (April 4, 2012)

It is fin­ished! (For now) That’s right! Mer­cury has been slow­ing down for the last few days (you could tell, right?)…and then he has been “stand­ing still” for the last day or so (yep, felt that too)…and now? Now Mer­cury has come around and begun to move for­ward again! Yeah!

What­ev­er you had need­ed to review again or you had held back on, should begin to move for­ward now. Plans that you were check­ing and re-check­ing, hopes that were on hold, are now ready to be implemented.

Dreams and visions that were only to be imag­ined while Mer­cury was in reverse can now take flight…Remember though, Mer­cury is still wing­ing his way through Pisces now…so things are not always what they seem, or what was said!

Of course, it will take a few days to get up to speed. How­ev­er, just because Mer­cury is mov­ing for­ward does not mean that it is all clear ahead! There are many fac­tors to account for the bumps and scrapes you get your­self into…but you can cross Mer­cury off the top of that list…for now!

Ready? Okay!

Then get mov­ing with those dreams for now and be ready for April 16 when Mer­cury leaps into Aries once more!