Monthly Archives: April 2012

Venus Enters Gemini (April 3, 2012)

If that old say­ing is true, “That Vari­ety is the spice of Life!” Well then you are in for a very long peri­od of Spici­ness! Venus is danc­ing her way into Gem­i­ni today and she is going to stay for a good long while.

Venus is mov­ing into the Mer­cu­r­ial sign of curiosi­ties, diver­si­ties and dis­trac­tions. Usu­al­ly, Venus skips through a sign in about 3+ weeks…But look out, (uh oh, you know what is com­ing now), Venus is going to slow down and turn ret­ro­grade in May…so she will not exit Gem­i­ni until August 7, Wow! That is a very long time for Venus to be in one sign…you have Four Months of Spicy com­ing your way!

You will receive a host of inter­est­ing insights as Venus in Gem­i­ni aligns with her Star­ry com­pan­ions dur­ing this peri­od. How­ev­er, for now, what you need to know is what will be the over­all impact and influ­ence of Venus in Gemini…

Venus rules your val­ues. She gov­erns your appre­ci­a­tion of beau­ty from the infin­i­tes­i­mal to the cos­mic. With Venus in Gem­i­ni, your taste buds are in for a treat. You are going to take much more delight in exper­i­men­ta­tion, explo­ration and expan­sion of your sen­si­bil­i­ties. The same old thing, the same old way will just not do…you need to diver­si­fy and try new delights as you look at life as if look­ing upon a beau­ti­ful gem, peer­ing through one facet after anoth­er, mar­veling at the won­der of creation…

Venus in Gem­i­ni is mov­ing through an Air sign, so that means your Mind will be inspired by beau­ty in all its forms…you will need to dis­cuss and share, to com­pare and con­trast your val­ues with one another…and this will cre­ate won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ties for greater under­stand­ing. The gen­er­al lev­els of, and appre­ci­a­tion for, intel­lect, intel­li­gence and mean­ing­ful com­mu­ni­ca­tions will grow.

For Gem­i­ni is adapt­able, quite will­ing to take one side of an issue but then, when that gets bor­ing (or you are start­ing to agree) switch sides and be equal­ly at home in point­ing out the wor­thi­ness of the oth­er way (and more often than not, find­ing a third way too!).

That is why this will be such an oppor­tune time for you and yours to come to a bet­ter appre­ci­a­tion of what you val­ue for your­self, what you val­ue in your beloved and what you val­ue that is shared and so holds you to one anoth­er as Love.

Yes, this is going to be a love­ly, long and thor­ough­ly delight­ful romp in that Gem­i­ni Won­der­land that is youth eternal…

Enjoy Venus as she moves you to join her in these supreme delights…these mar­velous diver­si­ties of Cre­ation, through these mag­i­cal joys of your Discoveries…

Yes, give your thanks to this won­drous boun­ty, a gift from the Spir­it, a gift from the One to one and to all!