Monthly Archives: May 2012

Mercury Conjunct Venus (June 1, 2012)


Mer­cury is dash­ing through his own sign, (he is more than halfway through already!), and today he blows a kiss to love­ly Venus who has been back­ing up in Gem­i­ni since May 15. Venus is get­ting ready for her “Big Show” on Tues­day, June 5 when she will skip across the face of the Sun (It’s a show she will not repeat until the year 2117!).

Today is a very, very good day…You should take some time, set some time aside for your­self and those you love, and expe­ri­ence the bless­ing of “Thought­ful Love”, the gift that comes when your “Head” (Mer­cury) and “Heart” (Venus) are aligned with one another!

Mer­cury rules your mind…your per­cep­tions, thoughts and forms of com­mu­ni­ca­tion. Venus rules your values…your aes­thet­ic and social sen­si­bil­i­ties, your appre­ci­a­tion of the beau­ti­ful, the Love with­in and the Love that sur­rounds your­self. Today the Mercury/Venus align­ment cre­ates a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to share in the beau­ty of your Spir­i­tu­al Truth…that you are Love…you are Loved.

Not only do you have a clear­er path to your expe­ri­ence of Beau­ty today, you also have a most won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to share this with those you love too. The meet­ing of your Mind and Heart cre­ates a mar­velous sym­pa­thy of under­stand­ing, about your love for one anoth­er and your enjoy­ment for the world through which you walk together.

Today is a won­der­ful day to cel­e­brate the Force that binds one and all into The Greater Reality…

Today is a day to Live Tru­ly, to Live Aligned, Heart and Mind…

Today is a day to Walk in Beau­ty and Love…

Today is a Good Day!

Mercury Square Mars (May 30, 2012)


Whoa…you bet­ter Slow Down…No Real­ly, you bet­ter slow down and LISTEN!

When Mer­cury encoun­ters Mars, your Mind is on fire…but your patience is at an ebb and you are like­ly to make mistakes…and you cer­tain­ly might offend (or be offended).

Sure, it feels fine to be oh so sharp, quick and alert…but you real­ly need to remem­ber that the most impor­tant part of com­mu­ni­ca­tion is to be a good (and patient) lis­ten­er. So turn that excite­ment back upon your­self and con­sid­er what you real­ly know ver­sus what is mere­ly con­jec­ture or opinion…

Mer­cury is skip­ping through Gem­i­ni now and delight­ing in all the diver­si­ty, stim­u­la­tion and excite­ment that this sign brings. Your Mind is seek­ing for the far­ther reach­es, push­ing beyond the accept­ed frontiers…just for the fun of it…Seeing real­i­ty in all its won­drous, dis­tract­ing multiplicities…making discoveries…but the prob­lem here is that you might draw con­clu­sions too quick­ly and so fall into error…

Mars in Vir­go brings a sharp reminder that all those curi­ous diver­sions, all those obser­va­tions, data points, those myr­i­ad facets or points of view…they all need to be brought down to Earth, into some mean­ing­ful order­ing and pur­pose­ful­ness. Mars is the Shaper here, remind­ing Mer­cury that inge­nu­ity, adapt­abil­i­ty and enthu­si­asm in your mind is nec­es­sary to prob­lem solving…but too much brings about just as many new prob­lems to solve…You can move too fast from your data points to “truth”, not tak­ing the time to cri­tique and ana­lyze what is really…Real…

Mars is remind­ing Mer­cury, that some­times (often­times) sim­pler is better…

Although, it is true, your Gem­i­ni spir­it of curios­i­ty is the key to your Intelligence…

It needs to be matched to the Vir­go ide­al of order, so you can achieve the greater Good…

You need to remem­ber that what you real­ly seek…Where Wis­dom Lies…

Is to found in that del­i­cate balance…where you experience…

Peace of Mind!

Sun Sextile Uranus (May 28, 2012)


Subtlety…is good!

Some­times the Gifts of the Spir­it come with thun­der and light­ning, they break upon you to deliv­er an awe­some chal­lenge to your char­ac­ter, they bring great strife and heartache…but in the end, you accept, you understand…and you grow…

But Spir­it has anoth­er side too, gen­tle and reas­sur­ing, like a warm sum­mer breeze or a reas­sur­ing caress that reminds you…everything will be okay…that you are okay…

Today is a wel­come, gen­tle reminder that you are Unique! You are a Spark of the Divine, part of some­thing that is of the All-Encom­pass­ing, Uni­ver­sal and Omni-Present…Yet, you are a One, a unique instance or mon­ad of the All…You are Spe­cial, as is every oth­er being who, like you, is on this won­drous Jour­ney of Unfoldment…

Uranus quick­ens the release of your unique self…it gov­erns the process known as Indi­vid­u­a­tion through which you strive to lift up your aware­ness. You grow into your greater self through the chal­lenges you encounter in the very cir­cum­stances you helped to cre­ate. You work to tran­scend those self-lim­i­ta­tions you made for your­self, until you even­tu­al­ly achieve a con­tin­u­ous, unbro­ken rela­tion­ship with your High­er Self…

Uranus often brings about these shifts of aware­ness through rather shock­ing jolts. Uranus, The Awak­en­er, caus­es dis­tur­bances that seem to beset you with trou­bles yet whose ulti­mate effect frees you from your self-lim­i­ta­tions. You real­ize that it was you, with your lim­it­ed per­spec­tives, with your doubts and fears, it was you that held your­self in thrall to the lesser…and Uranus freed you to unfold more of what you will become…

Today you receive a more gen­tle touch of Uranus’ Gift of Indi­vid­u­al­i­ty. Uranus pro­vides a bridge to your high­er under­stand­ing so that you can more eas­i­ly let go of your self-made con­straints. You are more ready to accept and so seek to expand your self-real­iza­tion, to be freer in Mind and Spir­it and move into a larg­er space of Becoming…As you also acknowl­edge and cre­ate this greater space of Free­dom for those with whom you journey.

Today, Uranus caress­es you with this gen­tle encouragement…

That you are for­ev­er becom­ing more than you were…

You are part of the Jour­ney of the Divine…you are important!

The Uni­verse is count­ing on you…to be yourself…

To be Free!


Mercury Conjuncts Sun (May 27, 2012)


Your Jour­ney of Mind continues…

Mer­cury meets up with the Sun again in their Supe­ri­or Con­junc­tion, when the Sun is between the Earth and Mercury…Remember this is like a “Full Moon” for Mer­cury (your mind) and it always reach­es back, con­nects you back, to the Seed-Time of their Infe­ri­or Con­junc­tion. That (“New Moon” for your mind) took place on March 21, 2012, offer­ing you a renew­al, a release of under­stand­ing, an ema­na­tion from the Solar/Mercury alignment.

Three times a year you have this puls­ing, rhyth­mic cycling of Mind-Stuff; three releas­es of new forms, three moments of rev­e­la­tion. It is from this con­tin­u­ous dance of the Sun (Self) and Mer­cury (Mind) that you unfold your most human gift of Self-Awareness…Today you are at the next moment in this unfold­ing cycle, it is time for anoth­er rev­e­la­tion in your mind’s jour­ney to know more about your­self and your world.

The Sun and Mer­cury are in Gem­i­ni, which puts the Earth in the oppo­site sign of Sagittarius…you will find the mean­ing of this rev­e­la­tion in the inte­gral rela­tion­ship of these two signs. The Sun/Mercury align­ment stands upon the piv­ot point of your instru­ment of con­nect­ing you to the world around you, your inquir­ing and curi­ous thought-forms, the for­ev­er-seek­ing of more expe­ri­ence that is the world of your Low­er Mind.

The Earth in Sagit­tar­ius stands in the posi­tion of your High­er Mind, where Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Laws form the per­spec­tives of what your Low­er Mind will then seek and be able to per­ceive in the first place.

The mes­sage from Sun/Mercury is here to remind you that your Prin­ci­ples and Truths and Laws must be con­stant­ly refreshed, renewed and so cre­ate your very growth of Under­stand­ing through this ques­tion­ing curios­i­ty, the con­trar­i­an gift of your Low­er Mind, which ever seeks to see the world through mul­ti­ple win­dows or door­ways of perception.

Quite sim­ply the mes­sage of Mercury/Sun today is that you must fol­low and hon­or the Prin­ci­ples or Truths that have guid­ed you to any moment in your life. Yet to do this you must equal­ly know, that what got you here and will take you fur­ther, is for you to for­ev­er and always, be true to your­self as Mind seek­ing to know itself…

You must fol­low your noble path of Spir­it… Ques­tion Everything!

Mercury Squares Neptune (May 25, 2012)


Warn­ing, warning…Part 2 of your real­i­ty test has now arrived…

Are you feel­ing a bit con­fused? Or per­haps you feel as if you are walk­ing (or is it fly­ing, or per­haps swim­ming) through a dream-world? Maybe you just can­not under­stand some­one, or maybe some­one does not seem to under­stand you? Does that sound famil­iar? Well, you should just sur­ren­der to this hum­bling expe­ri­ence and give a big, warm and hearty wel­come to Mer­cury square Neptune!

That’s right, just two days after the Sun had his own hum­bling encounter with Nep­tune, now you need to face the mys­ter­ies of Nep­tune again as she pos­es a chal­lenge to your Mind or Intel­lect more directly.

The encounter with the Sun offered you the opportunity/challenge to see how well or not you per­ceive your very essence or true nature, your “Self”. This encounter with Mer­cury requires you to focus upon, to con­sid­er the very instru­ment of your per­cep­tions, your Intel­li­gence and Reason…To look with renewed won­der upon those very fac­ul­ties that place you in this evolv­ing live-wave, this host of souls that is called “Human”.

Mer­cury in Gem­i­ni is focused upon all those sen­so­ry inputs, all those data points and con­structs, those assump­tions and points of view that make your “real­i­ty” for you…and here comes Nep­tune and “Poof”…it dis­solves before your very (Mind’s) eye. What is REAL, what is not? Well, that is a very good question…and that is pre­cise­ly what Nep­tune is here to teach you…

You know what you know giv­en your point of view; you know what you know because of what you believe, or what you are capa­ble of believ­ing. Now Nep­tune comes along and it shifts, it shim­mers and there is some­thing else, some­thing more, some­thing greater to behold.

But, first you must lose your attrac­tion to, your fas­ci­na­tion with what “IS” for you…you must rely upon and open you High­er fac­ul­ties and see with your “Third Eye”…oh yes it is there, waiting…and Nep­tune will always help you to open it a lit­tle more…

The first step…is to believe…

The sec­ond step…is release your Imagination…

The third step…is be amazed, be amazing!

Now you are get­ting somewhere…

Be the Dreamer…Be the Imagineer!