Daily Archives: May 4, 2012

Full Moon in Scorpio — The Buddha (May 5, 2012)


The Door is held open for you…

By those who wait and watch, who guide and inspire…they stand fast, and they will hold the por­tal open till the very last, for this is their ded­i­ca­tion, this their love for you and all of Creation.

They have gone ahead but they have not for­got­ten, they have walked the same path­way you now follow…they under­stand and they offer to you what they can…They are The Watch­ers, the Devas, the Shin­ing Ones, whose Com­pas­sion and Love deflect some of what oth­er­wise might make more dif­fi­cult and delay your jour­ney of unfold­ment and becoming…

These Great Ones are a liv­ing sac­ri­fice, they stand firm as the Bud­dhas of Compassion…and it is today, always at the Full Moon dur­ing the month of Tau­rus, the Scor­pio Full Moon, it is tonight that all the novices and chelas, all the Ini­ti­ates and Mas­ters of the Sacred & Mys­ti­cal schools will bow their heads, they will give thanks…They will dance and sing, chant and pray to cel­e­brate the sub­lime mes­sage and exam­ple which was set before us all by the one known as Sid­dhārtha Gau­ta­ma, The Buddha.

Today, tonight is the cel­e­bra­tion known as the Wesak Fes­ti­val where­in the promise that was made, kept and con­tin­ues to be passed on through this Hier­ar­chy of Love and Com­pas­sion is re-affirmed by the exam­ple set before you by one of your own. For Bud­dha was a human who showed you the way to your Free­dom. He achieved full con­scious­ness through self-striv­ing, freed from the uncon­scious he is the self-anoint­ed, The Enlightened…The Bud­dha walked the path that you walk now.…to unfold your poten­tial as you seek to become a Spir­it freed from the Karmic Cycle of Death and Rebirth.

The Bud­dha, as Teacher and Guide, whose bound­less love is the Com­pas­sion­ate Bridge, offers you a clear­er way to your destiny.…And, it is this Full Moon tonight which pro­vides a beau­ti­ful illus­tra­tion of the core prin­ci­ple of the Bud­dha’s Teach­ing, (which is one of the cen­tral Pil­lars of the Ancient Teachings)…

This core prin­ci­ple is that your true nature, your true being, is Spir­it. At the core of you, the high­est part of you, (which is always “in heav­en”), is quite sim­ply a spark of the One Divine Prin­ci­ple which is the Foun­tain-Source of the Uni­verse. Your jour­ney, begun as an unself-con­scious spark of the Divine, moves out through the Uni­verse so that the One can become man­i­fest in all the var­i­ous dimen­sions of Cre­ation. To do this, you move through forms, sur­round­ing your­self with vehi­cles of man­i­fes­ta­tion that per­mit you to expe­ri­ence each dimen­sion of real­i­ty as you grow into greater and greater con­scious aware­ness. You tru­ly are spir­it mov­ing through the worlds of mat­ter, spir­it in the mate­r­i­al world.

Yet, as you move into any form of val­ue you become attached to that form…which leads to suf­fer­ing. You, a spark of the Divine, descend into forms that delight you…but these very forms lim­it you too. These vehi­cles of man­i­fes­ta­tion per­mit the exer­cise and growth of your under­stand­ing and pow­ers, but because these forms are lim­it­ed, because they are imper­ma­nent, they weak­en and fail, and you suffer…and you often for­get, for a while, your Divine nature.

Bud­dha taught that the way through these worlds of mat­ter, of Val­ue-Formed was to devel­op the mid­dle path, the noble “way of non-attach­ment”. Your truth is Spir­it! You are Spir­it mov­ing through the forms of Cre­ation, you bring life and con­scious­ness to these forms, but you must not iden­ti­fy or become stuck with­in any form. Nei­ther glam­oured by the Beau­ty of Val­ue beyond form, or by the won­drous glo­ries of the Val­ues in Form, you must be the Con­scious­ness in Motion, the Dancer who dances the spi­ral Song of Spir­it in and through Form­less­ness and Formation.

This is the mes­sage of the Full Moon dur­ing Tau­rus, of the Scor­pio Full Moon, of Bud­dha’s Moon. For Tau­rus cel­e­brates Embod­i­ment, it is the great­est surge of val­ue tak­ing form, of the word made flesh, of beau­ty and val­ue exalt­ed. The desire for and attach­ment to form is nev­er greater as life, and beau­ty and love are surg­ing through and around you.

Yet the mes­sage of the Full Moon of Scor­pio is that all of this is only for a time, that all things must even­tu­al­ly pass away and return to formlessness…so that Spir­it and Val­ue may be Free to come into new forms…again and again. You must and should cel­e­brate beau­ty and fruit­ful­ness, to take joy in the abun­dance of life and love well lived…yet be equal­ly ready and at ease in releas­ing your spir­it from these forms when the day is done.

The mes­sage of Bud­dha, the mes­sage of this Scor­pio Moon, is that the great­est real­iza­tion of val­ue comes when you are able to be unat­tached to the forms of value…that as you cel­e­brate your move­ment through the forms of val­ue you under­stand and accept that you can­not tar­ry in any one form of value.

Reach­ing this state of non-attach­ment, you can be at peace with the things of this world and with one another…self-possessed and non-pos­ses­sive, you move beyond fear…

You move clos­er, into the Greater Awareness…

Your love unbound­ed, uncon­di­tion­al and true…

Even­tu­al­ly you will cross that thresh­old, between the dark­ness and the light, join­ing those who have come before you.…

And you will turn, like they who stand, watch and wait…

To extend your love to those that follow…

As you wait and hold the door.…

For those who fol­low you…

Into the Light.