Gentler now…slower, steadied…you are more stable and focused. Yes this is definitely a welcome break from that hectic pace and frenetic buzz in your head (and elsewhere) during the preceding period.
Your mind dials it back as you ease out of Aries into the more substantial and sensual thought-forms of Taurus…You need this now…and you better take advantage of this respite! Although Mercury is slower in temperament in this Earthy passage, the actual time that Mercury will be in Taurus is very short indeed…in only two weeks you will be dashing about again as Hermes, with a thousand and one delightful distractions, skips into his own sign of Gemini.
For now…it is your turn to take a deep breath and indulge your senses. Take it all in and take time to luxuriate in this, your garden of earthly delights! Those passionate ideals and grandiose plans, those leaps of daring-do thoughts give way now to the practical, reasonable and reliable steadiness that is Taurus’ stock in trade. Your visions will now take on substantial form, you see yourself as the self-unfolding, as the becoming in the material worlds…
Mercury rules your so-called five physical senses, given his rulership over your nervous system, so now is the time to taste and touch, smell and hear as well as look upon the beauty around you with a new-found sensibility and satisfaction.
After all, you are in this wonderful earthly realm because you need to experience embodiment, and the enjoyment of these physical delights is one of the stronger pulls that keeps you coming back for more…so enjoy them!