Daily Archives: May 9, 2012

Mercury Sextile Neptune (May 10, 2012)


There are whis­pers today…intimations of some­thing greater, more true and more pro­found than what is com­mon­ly under­stood to be…

Always remember…You are the dream-walk­er, fol­low­ing your self-lit, lumi­nous path…You make and fol­low this path of your unfold­ment, from form­less­ness to formed, from inner worlds to worlds with­out, from spaces to Space…You are spir­it, light in self-motion, you are the Ever-Becom­ing, the Self-Lumi­nous, you are a Deva, a Shin­ing One…You, the pil­grim, whose dreams dri­ve Creation.

To unfold from with­in, to become and so cre­ate what will be, you are guid­ed by your expe­ri­ence, your knowl­edge and the wis­dom you have gained. Through the agency of your low­er con­scious­ness, the ratio­nal­iz­ing mind, you form the struc­tures and sys­tems of under­stand­ing so as to nav­i­gate with­in the worlds and with the beings you encounter.

But as you jour­ney, as you seek to climb the path, you are also guid­ed by high­er fac­ul­ties, by intu­itive whis­pers of inspi­ra­tion that come from beyond these low­er realms, from that Greater Real­i­ty which stands behind these phys­i­cal forms and worlds of your man­i­fest­ed expe­ri­ences. These prompt­ings and mes­sages emanate from the very heart of you, from with­in you, from your high­er self…

But they will appear to you as if they come from beyond, like a vis­i­ta­tion, as a whis­per rid­ing in the cur­rents of the ordi­nary winds of your life…These mes­sages turn your head and open your eyes.…and you need to pay atten­tion. If you wish to climb faster, to leave beyond the plod­ding pace and quick­en your ascent…yes you need to lis­ten to your high­er self who does not force or shout, who is unde­mand­ing and very, very patient…Yes, you need to bend your atten­tion away from out­ward dis­trac­tions and pay atten­tion to these Sub­tleties that sup­port the so-called real­i­ty of this world…

And, today is such a day…today is a day for mys­ter­ies and mag­ic, for per­cep­tions that pierce beyond the appear­ances of this world to reveal what lies within…Today Nep­tune, the Lord of Maya, of the Greater Mys­ter­ies, the Lord of Illu­mi­na­tion and Illusion…today Nep­tune is grac­ing your low­er mind with a gen­tle breath of inspi­ra­tion, a kiss from the deep, deep dimen­sions beyond your ordinary.

You can­not see what you do not Believe, you can­not believe what you do not Imagine…

Today is a day to step beyond your self-cast shad­owed Reality.…to catch a glimpse of some­thing greater…It is with­in you and it sur­rounds you, but you do not know it…you do not yet believe…yet, you do sense some­thing don’t you…you hear some­thing, it is an offer­ing, a whisper…Listen!

Nep­tune brings to Mer­cury the quick­en­ing of your intu­ition. Your cat­e­gories and facts, dis­solve into a greater under­stand­ing, into that truer con­nect­ed­ness which binds each and every to one another.

Today you can slip beyond the lim­its, beyond the line you laid down before…

Today, you move fur­ther along that razor’s edge, between faith and fear…

Today, you under­stand that sep­a­ra­tion is the illu­sion, let go of your fear…

For it is Love that binds each and every one with the ONE.

Today and everyday…You are the Cre­ator, Danc­ing between the Dark­ness and Light.