Daily Archives: May 12, 2012

Mercury Trine Mars (May 13, 2012)


The Grand Trine of Mer­cury, Mars and Pluto


Today and for the next sev­er­al days, the plan­ets will dance for you…

Three plan­ets will glide through their mag­is­te­r­i­al waltz, they will sweep and bow…weaving in and out…These Celes­tial Regents of Life will move into their grand rendezvous…They will align and form a pow­er­ful Trip­tych of Meaning…and it is all for you.

Three plan­ets will form into posi­tion, equal­ly spaced along the Cir­cle of Life, mov­ing with grace through three…Together they will cre­ate this per­fect Tri­ad of Ener­gies, form­ing for you a glo­ri­ous Grand Trine in Earth.

They will each have their time, each have their day…Today, it is Mer­cury aligned with Mars…then tomor­row, Mer­cury turns and forms his trine with Pluto…Finally, on Wednes­day, it will be Mars who will trine Plu­to. Three times three, they will sing and dance for you in their cos­mic wheel­ing wonder…and togeth­er they will stand by and deliv­er their mes­sages and ener­gies for you.

Today Mer­cury feels the quick­en­ing pres­ence of Mars…today your Mind leaps in response to your heart’s Desire! Mer­cury is mov­ing through Tau­rus, being stead­ied and pur­pose­ful, slow­er to decide and resis­tant to change, your mind finds its focus as it dwells upon ques­tions of val­ue and beauty.

Mars in Vir­go brings a dis­cern­ing touch, a crit­i­cal appre­ci­a­tion for the fin­er mat­ters in these cal­cu­la­tions and val­u­a­tions. The ener­gies of Mars elic­it a stronger deter­mi­na­tion in your mind to move out from mere appre­ci­a­tion into the fields of action…it is not enough to con­sid­er what is beau­ti­ful, you must make right what is wrong, heal what is hurt and bring rea­son, order and the way of beau­ty to the world around you.

The com­bi­na­tion of Mer­cury and Mars brings Mind and Action together…You dance in the realm known as Praxis…where your Ideas become real and formed…

Your Actions guid­ed through your Greater Understanding…

You, the Cre­ator, the mak­er of worlds…as you thought or imag­ined it would be…

Mind in Motion, danc­ing the dance of Creation.

Sun Conjunct Jupiter (May 13, 2012)


You are the Self-Unfolding…you are the Self-Becoming…

You become by releas­ing from with­in your pure potential…and by doing so you dis­cov­er, reveal and make man­i­fest your true nature…

This is your purpose…this your ever-unfold­ing path…with one goal…To Grow.

Today begins your next Year­ly Cycle of Growth as Jupiter aligns with the Sun.

The Sun rules your “Self”, it is the seed of you from which will spring count­less won­ders. Jupiter rules your Truth, it deter­mines the way in which you relate to your world, shap­ing and guid­ing you on your path­way of Understanding.

Once every year the Sun will form a con­junc­tion with Jupiter…and each year this cycle will advance by one Zodi­a­cal Sign, mov­ing for­ward through this won­drous Cir­cle of Life. Today the Sun and Jupiter align in Tau­rus and the mes­sage they offer speaks to one of the core prin­ci­ples of your essen­tial nature, of what you have that forms your essen­tial val­ue, your most pre­cious possession.

The mys­tery behind your bound­less poten­tial is that you are, at the very core of you, a spark of the Divine…And this Mon­ad, this Lumi­nous Being, your High­er Self, is for­ev­er and always part of the Divin­i­ty that encom­pass­es this Uni­verse, the Sub­stance-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it that is the ulti­mate Real­i­ty of this Cosmos.

Your val­ue is beyond mea­sure because you are an essen­tial part of the Cosmos…and because of this rela­tion­ship, you will con­tin­u­ous­ly grow, ever increas­ing, ever unfold­ing as you become more aware of the true nature of who you are and your kin­ship with all that sur­rounds you.

In order to know where you are going (or even why you should go there) you must under­stand Who You Are!…In order to know where you should go, you need to know where you are com­ing from!

Today reminds you that your most impor­tant jour­ney is your inner jour­ney; your most impor­tant rela­tion­ship, your rela­tion­ship with your Self! The align­ment of the Sun with Jupiter offers you a moment to pause, reflect upon and accept the year that is passing…

You need this moment, to cast a glance back­wards, to see how and in what man­ner you became some­thing more, to har­vest the mean­ing of it all and use this as your seed-form to begin this New Year of Growth.

Then turn your head around and look out to the far horizons…take your Har­vest of Under­stand­ing and relate to what is around you with your new­found Greater Awareness.

Look out upon all those tomor­rows wait­ing for you…

As you become an ever more con­scious, co-cre­ator of this Cosmos…

Look out upon this, your Creation…

And smile.

A Question about Galactic Alignments — Part 2

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Anoth­er read­er asked this ques­tion in response to my ear­li­er answer about Mayan prophecies:

Dear Bill, does that mean the Mayas were wrong?

Dear Marie, I mere­ly answered the ques­tion about what some indi­vid­u­als claim to be a mes­sage or pre­dic­tion that is sup­pos­ed­ly derived from Mayan teach­ings. I can­not com­ment on what the Mayans meant or believed, (that is for the Maya!) Either the cur­rent advo­cates of this claim have mis­in­ter­pret­ed those mes­sages, or they have will­ful­ly cho­sen to inter­pret some mes­sage in such a way as to raise again the specter of dis­as­ters and/or rap­tures which humans seen to be drawn to time and again.

Through­out this jour­ney of Spir­it, (and for us present­ly in our human unfold­ment), the con­sis­tent mes­sage found in all times and cul­tures, (what is found as a core prin­ci­ple with­in the Ancient Teach­ings), is one sim­ple truth. The devel­op­ment of Spir­it pro­ceeds from with­in outwards…

We are tasked by our nature to unfold from with­in the Divine Light which suf­fus­es all of Cre­ation. The attempt to find some exter­nal device, mech­a­nism or event (some Deus ex machi­na) to explain away or solve our prob­lems or dilem­mas is under­stand­able but not helpful.

We, along with many oth­er con­scious life forms, are the creators…and we are slow­ly becom­ing more ful­ly con­scious of this awe­some respon­si­bil­i­ty, this supreme gift of the Spir­it. There is no sim­ple solution…Each and every one of us must do the work…We must lift our­selves up through devel­op­ing a Greater Aware­ness as we equal­ly seek to extend our Greater Com­pas­sion to oth­ers as well.

All the Teach­ings, all The Mas­ters have come with the same message…

And every gen­er­a­tion needs to hear those teach­ings again and again…

But slow­ly and steadi­ly, we are get­ting it!