Mercury Trine Mars (May 13, 2012)


The Grand Trine of Mer­cury, Mars and Pluto


Today and for the next sev­er­al days, the plan­ets will dance for you…

Three plan­ets will glide through their mag­is­te­r­i­al waltz, they will sweep and bow…weaving in and out…These Celes­tial Regents of Life will move into their grand rendezvous…They will align and form a pow­er­ful Trip­tych of Meaning…and it is all for you.

Three plan­ets will form into posi­tion, equal­ly spaced along the Cir­cle of Life, mov­ing with grace through three…Together they will cre­ate this per­fect Tri­ad of Ener­gies, form­ing for you a glo­ri­ous Grand Trine in Earth.

They will each have their time, each have their day…Today, it is Mer­cury aligned with Mars…then tomor­row, Mer­cury turns and forms his trine with Pluto…Finally, on Wednes­day, it will be Mars who will trine Plu­to. Three times three, they will sing and dance for you in their cos­mic wheel­ing wonder…and togeth­er they will stand by and deliv­er their mes­sages and ener­gies for you.

Today Mer­cury feels the quick­en­ing pres­ence of Mars…today your Mind leaps in response to your heart’s Desire! Mer­cury is mov­ing through Tau­rus, being stead­ied and pur­pose­ful, slow­er to decide and resis­tant to change, your mind finds its focus as it dwells upon ques­tions of val­ue and beauty.

Mars in Vir­go brings a dis­cern­ing touch, a crit­i­cal appre­ci­a­tion for the fin­er mat­ters in these cal­cu­la­tions and val­u­a­tions. The ener­gies of Mars elic­it a stronger deter­mi­na­tion in your mind to move out from mere appre­ci­a­tion into the fields of action…it is not enough to con­sid­er what is beau­ti­ful, you must make right what is wrong, heal what is hurt and bring rea­son, order and the way of beau­ty to the world around you.

The com­bi­na­tion of Mer­cury and Mars brings Mind and Action together…You dance in the realm known as Praxis…where your Ideas become real and formed…

Your Actions guid­ed through your Greater Understanding…

You, the Cre­ator, the mak­er of worlds…as you thought or imag­ined it would be…

Mind in Motion, danc­ing the dance of Creation.

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