Daily Archives: May 14, 2012

Venus Turns Retrograde (May 15, 2012)


Now comes a pause in your Plan­e­tary Dance, a time-out for this Tri­an­gu­lar Trio, (which will pick­up and con­clude on Wednes­day). While you wait for this final act, there is anoth­er who steps up to claim your cen­ter stage…And Won­der of Won­ders, it is Venus who has quite a show prepared…and she aims to daz­zle and amaze!

It is love­ly Venus now, who will take her turn, to go trip­ping “back­wards” for a while. Yes, you have reached that spe­cial time once more when Venus piv­ots and turns her­self around…She only does this every 20 months or so, and she will go back­wards now until June 27…She does this for you, to bring to you this pre­cious gift, this won­der­ful opportunity…

You will find an eas­ing now, a clear­er way to under­stand, to see what is in your heart…It is your time, to take some time…To look back over this path of val­ues that you laid, that made and marked your way. It is your time to assess what is wor­thy, both with­in and what sur­rounds you…It is your time to clar­i­fy, to know your own self worth, so you might find that bet­ter way, to live with love on Earth.

But this time, this time it will be Different…It is a rather spe­cial arc that Venus traces, this loop­ing dance between Earth and Sun, this time love­ly Venus will put on quite a show! At the mid­point of her jour­ney, on June 5–6 when Venus Con­juncts the Sun, it will be like a Solar Eclipse, and the world will watch with you, the won­drous beau­ty of her vision…the tran­sit of Venus pass­ing across the face of the Sun!

You had bet­ter pay atten­tion because the next one of these will not hap­pen until 2117! That is right…it is a rare event for Venus, Earth and Sun to form a line in the same plane, as Venus takes her ret­ro­grade trip and moves between the Earth and Sun…You do not want to miss this…

For many in the Unit­ed States only part of the tran­sit will be vis­i­ble, (only Alas­ka and Hawaii get the whole show) but many orga­ni­za­tions and indi­vid­u­als will be in place to cap­ture and share this beau­ti­ful plan­e­tary pageant. Here is a link to see where and when the tran­sit will be vis­i­ble: Venus Tran­sit

And here is an ani­ma­tion of what it will look like: Ani­ma­tion of Venus

But you may won­der, what of Venus and her message…what do you do when Val­ue, Beau­ty and Love “go backwards”?

Much like Mer­cury, and he does this three times a year, this move­ment of Venus takes place because she is pass­ing by Earth like a rac­er on the “inside track”. She makes her clos­est approach to Earth as she swings across the Sun!

Far from “weak­en­ing” or debil­i­tat­ed, Venus ret­ro­grade is Venus in Focus! There is no bet­ter time, no bet­ter oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to under­stand what it is exact­ly, this thing you call your “worth”.

This is your per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty, this time a gift for you to ask, “What is it that you pos­sess, what do you hold that is dear?” For every­thing comes down to this, your rela­tion­ship to your­self and to one anoth­er, to all things and all beings…it all comes down to what you find of val­ue in yourself!

And you may know or will remem­ber, that it changes as you grow. Because you are the ever-unfolding…you becom­ing more, cre­at­ing more, being more than what you were before.

That through your growth you do reveal more of what you hold so dear.

For you are Spir­it resplen­dent, Light mov­ing from form to form…

You are The One in Love, in motion…

You are The Love becom­ing, unbound!