Daily Archives: May 19, 2012

Sun Enters Gemini & New Moon (Solar Eclipse) in Gemini (May 20, 2012)


The Por­tal of Gemini

Turn now…and face the Portal…that Sacred Gate­way, which will ever stand as the bea­con that calls to you…a lumi­nous reminder of what was won by the gift of those who have gone ahead, who stepped through…who have unfold­ed what you will become…

To become a Spir­it who is ful­ly Self-Conscious!

They are the Gift, They the Watch­ers who wait…They will Wait and Watch at this The Por­tal of Self-Awareness…For you must do the work of lift­ing your own aware­ness to that next plane, you must become awak­ened to that high­er ground that awaits you.…It can­not be giv­en, but must be earned (as in all things)…

These Enlight­ened Ones stand ever ready, they will abide because they have great com­pas­sion for you, for they Know, they have been where you are…They will pro­vide what­ev­er assis­tance is per­mit­ted with­in the Karmic Law (and the one, true straight path to their help is to make a sin­cere pledge to Serve).

This is the true mean­ing of Gem­i­ni, whose sym­bol is lit­er­al­ly a Por­tal, The Gate­way that all have passed as they move from mere Con­scious­ness to Self-Consciousness…a mighty and awe­some step in the Jour­ney of Spirit!

Aries is the Begin­ning, you move into form again, you have “Presence”…Taurus is the Sec­ond, you take pos­ses­sion of your form, you have “Val­ue”…

Now comes Gem­i­ni, here you expand your aware­ness, (to think about think­ing), here you con­tin­ue the Jour­ney of Spir­it, of Mind which is ever unfolding…For it is now in the Human form that you move from aware­ness into that greater and greater dimen­sion of Self-Consciousness!

This is your path­way, this your unfold­ing aware­ness… you will become a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of your Uni­verse, to join in the Great Work with the mag­nif­i­cent host of oth­er Self-Aware Beings who trav­el with you.

All the Muta­ble signs are Gate­way Signs, they lead you from one realm of life into another…they are the signs of Tran­si­tion. To move into these adapt­able places, you enter through a por­tal where you must sur­ren­der your less­er being in order to move into your greater Truth. Each tran­si­tion is an “Initiation”…each involves tri­als and tests, chal­lenges and growth!

The Tri­als and Tests of Gem­i­ni con­cern your most pre­cious gift of Intel­li­gence, which must be honed and mas­tered by many, many lessons. Who is your Teacher? Know This…Life is always the Teacher!…Your Kar­ma brings to you the many chal­lenges and prob­lems that you must solve so that you can grow. Your instru­ment of Intel­li­gence is engaged and sharp­ened by this fric­tion­al encounter with “Reality”…You estab­lish your facts, solu­tions and knowl­edge so that you may answer the chal­lenges that you encounter in the world you made.

These Intel­li­gence Tests you bring to your­self through your past actions. Real­ly, you teach your­self, you learn to choose to do what is bet­ter, to do Good, to Cre­ate the Good…You learn to be part of that greater life, to join with that won­drous host of evolv­ing beings who are the Uni­verse made manifest.

But, this is no ordi­nary entrance into Gem­i­ni’s Realm, for today is also the New Moon!

And…There is more! The Sun, Moon and Earth have reached their twice year­ly align­ment as well…Today is also an Annu­lar Solar Eclipse! This is a spe­cial day…

As the Sun moves into Gem­i­ni, the Moon will also move into Gem­i­ni and slide across the face of the Sun com­plete­ly cov­er­ing it, except for a thin ring of the Sun remain­ing vis­i­ble (That is what the term “annu­lar” means, “lit­tle ring”. ..Which in this case you will see as a beau­ti­ful Ring of Fire or Nim­bus around the Sun, the “Glo­ry” of the Sun revealed!) The Eclipse will be vis­i­ble in the West­ern Unit­ed States (those in the Mid-West will see the begin­ning of the eclipse as the Sun sets, and sor­ry East Coast you will not see it).

As always, when a Solar Eclipse occurs, the nor­mal mes­sage of the New Moon car­ries a spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance and mean­ing. The shad­ow that the Moon casts indi­cates that you have to face some form of blind spot…an old point of view needs to be resolved, a karmic les­son must be healed, in order to able to receive the fuller ben­e­fit of the New Moon dispensation.

The Eclipse is like a spe­cial “Intel­li­gence Test”, it reminds you that your dia­mond-like fac­ul­ty of intel­li­gence, with your mul­ti-faceted points of view and per­spec­tives, that your won­drous instru­ment can become stuck or biased. You need to be able to see that you cast your own shad­ows of assump­tions, which will always pre­vent you from see­ing the Greater Reality.

You need to see this Moon Shad­ow as a won­der­ful reminder that you must always chal­lenge your­self, to ques­tion your assump­tions and keep refin­ing your point of view. Shift your focus, shine your mind-light from var­i­ous angles, adopt, even for a moment, points of view that are con­trary to your own, because by doing so you will be able to see your own self-cast shad­ows. Remem­ber always that your intel­li­gence is found­ed upon your adapt­abil­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty and con­stant desire to question…everything!

Enter the realm of Gemini…the por­tal of your Self Awakening!

Give thanks to this Mer­cu­r­ial Moon…which brings a quick­en­ing to your Intelligence!

Dance in the Shad­ow of the Eclipse…as you acknowl­edge the Enlight­ened Ones who watch over you as they guide you to the Light.