Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (May 21–22, 2012)


Today begins a new cycle in the dynam­ic rela­tion­ship between your Low­er mind and your High­er mind (between your low­er and high­er Manas)…between your Rea­son and your Truth.

At least once a year Mer­cury will come over Jupiter and bring about this re-set between your pow­ers of Induc­tion and Deduc­tion, between your Infor­ma­tion and your Understanding.

Mer­cury rules your “Low­er” Mind where­by you con­nect with the world around you, gath­er­ing sen­so­ry inputs or data…You observe, ana­lyze, cat­e­go­rize and use your mar­velous gift of intel­li­gence to cre­ate your expe­ri­ence of the greater real­i­ty around you. How­ev­er, Mer­cury works with­in the con­texts that are set down by your Prin­ci­ples or Truths, by your Jupiter function.

Jupiter rules your “High­er” Mind where­in you cre­ate your World View…Your belief sys­tems of reli­gion, phi­los­o­phy, sci­ence and law pro­vide the frame­work for you to look out upon your world and per­ceive what you can with your Low­er Mind. Jupi­ter­ian Truths cre­ate your point of view, which you then go out to prove or dis­prove with your Mer­cu­r­ial expe­ri­ence of real­i­ty; and your Mer­cu­r­ial inputs feed back upon to prove, refine or dis­prove your Jupiter assump­tions. In effect, your Jupiter Deduc­tions and Mer­cury Induc­tions work togeth­er to con­stant­ly build a flu­id and dynam­ic under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.

Today pro­vides a won­der­ful moment to stand between your Truths and Facts, between your Under­stand­ing and your Rea­son as you move clos­er and clos­er to True Wisdom.

For the trou­ble is, you do not know what you do not under­stand. Your Jupiter prin­ci­ples guide you to see the world a cer­tain way, and this directs your low­er mind to find those inputs that prove you right. Mean­while, your Mer­cury rea­son seeks to find infor­ma­tion that serves to rein­force and build up your Jupiter “truths”. Unless you remain con­stant­ly vig­i­lant, always ques­tion­ing, doubt­ing and test­ing your “Facts” and your “The­o­ries”, you will find your­self falling into error and confusion.

Today pro­vides a spe­cial oppor­tu­ni­ty, a re-set much like a New Moon for your two minds, the High­er and Low­er. You can stand beside them both and see how cer­tain assump­tions of the High­er have pre­dis­posed you to accept or look for cer­tain inputs to con­firm your world-view; you can also see how your gath­er­ing of pure data points have been pre-deter­mined by what you wished to find in order to con­firm what you believe to be true.

Today your High­er Self, through your Bud­dhi or The One True Mind, can help you see into this beau­ti­ful but self-lim­it­ing rela­tion­ship of your Low­er and High­er Minds. You can stand in the cen­tered space of your Lucid mind, more free of your “assump­tions” and “facts”…You can look at your­self and your world anew, like a new­born child, with eyes that are Full of Wonder!

You are Spirit…Mind on a Quest for Greater Understanding.…

You are a Spark of the Divine…your ever unfold­ing, self-becom­ing urge…To Grow!

Today you take a new step clos­er to your Greater Life…

Today you move clos­er to the Light of True Wisdom!

2 thoughts on “Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (May 21–22, 2012)

  1. Cecilia

    Did you get my pre­vi­ous com­ment? I typed it on my phone so who know’s where it is now…I wrote:
    Dear Bill,
    I sure hope this is true! I have often wit­nessed self-ful­fill­ing prophe­cies being car­ried out and won­dered if there are any influ­enc­ing my choic­es and way of life. Maybe the best answer in deal­ing with a dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion isn’t just to walk away (although that’s def­i­nite­ly the eas­i­est) but rather, it is to stay and use the chal­lenges of the sit­u­a­tion to help one work out one’s larg­er issues.

  2. Bill Attride

    Dear Cecil­ia,
    I did not receive the pre­vi­ous message.
    Of course this is true. But as I indi­cat­ed in the post, we must always remain vig­i­lant and keep chal­leng­ing our assump­tions, out­looks and points of view con­tin­u­ous­ly. This is just a spe­cial moment for that…but we should always be alert to our ten­den­cy towards being complacent.
    Yes, we are always cre­at­ing our future, but we are very imper­fect as in many things so we don’t cre­ate as well as we should since a lot of ego­is­tic desire and/or fear gets mixed in and voilà…it is not pretty.
    And yes, we encounter most sit­u­a­tions to learn and grow through work­ing it out…but some sit­u­a­tions may require walk­ing away (or run­ning away!)


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