Daily Archives: May 22, 2012

Sun Squares Neptune (May 23, 2012)


Warning…Warning…Reality Test Ahead!

That’s right, when the Sun makes a “hard” aspect to Nep­tune (four times a year) your per­cep­tions are in for a challenge…and that is a good thing!

Why?  Because most of your trou­bles, (and most of the world’s trou­bles), come about through a series of mis­per­cep­tions and mis­un­der­stand­ings, that turns all of those lit­tle mis­steps into huge mishaps.

What can you do? First, you need to have a good sense of humor, and to admit that it all starts with you! You have to look in that prover­bial mir­ror and laugh, laugh at all your mis­per­cep­tions about your­self. Because in each decade of your life, (if not in each year, month or week), you should see your under­stand­ing of your­self (and your world) grow beyond…into some­thing more…and that is good!

How­ev­er, in order to grow…you have to let go…You have to release your­self from your for­mer cer­tain­ties, those “truths” that explained every­thing at a low­er lev­el of per­cep­tion, but which now no longer func­tion or make sense at the high­er one for which you strive. You need to expe­ri­ence dis­il­lu­sion (to lose your illu­sions), to lose faith with your old view, for only then can you receive an Illu­mi­na­tion and so be able to per­ceive the greater real­i­ty you actu­al­ly move in…

This is what is the Sun squar­ing Nep­tune indi­cates and offers to you now. You need to lose your cer­tain­ty (which cre­ates your blind­ers and can lead to prej­u­dice), and seek to main­tain a more open, ques­tion­ing, for­ev­er-seek­ing form of Faith…To have faith with the spir­it with­in you, who is always dri­ving you upwards in a spi­ral of aspi­ra­tion towards that Greater Under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.

Your aware­ness should always be unfold­ing, becom­ing more nuanced and con­di­tion­al. You evolve from being “oh so sure of your­self” and your view of your world, to becom­ing ever more adapt­able and hum­ble as you expand your understanding…

You will con­tin­ue to lift your­self up and up, until you final­ly reach True Wis­dom where­in you real­ize that you can nev­er be sure of ANYTHING…except that you must con­tin­ue to GROW!

You can have faith in your Spir­it, faith in your high­er Self who is always there to guide you…

You can know that there is always more to dis­cov­er, more to understand…

You can be cer­tain that your one true path is to con­tin­ue your nev­er-end­ing journey…

You are Spirit…you must ever “Walk On”!