Subtlety…is good!
Sometimes the Gifts of the Spirit come with thunder and lightning, they break upon you to deliver an awesome challenge to your character, they bring great strife and heartache…but in the end, you accept, you understand…and you grow…
But Spirit has another side too, gentle and reassuring, like a warm summer breeze or a reassuring caress that reminds you…everything will be okay…that you are okay…
Today is a welcome, gentle reminder that you are Unique! You are a Spark of the Divine, part of something that is of the All-Encompassing, Universal and Omni-Present…Yet, you are a One, a unique instance or monad of the All…You are Special, as is every other being who, like you, is on this wondrous Journey of Unfoldment…
Uranus quickens the release of your unique self…it governs the process known as Individuation through which you strive to lift up your awareness. You grow into your greater self through the challenges you encounter in the very circumstances you helped to create. You work to transcend those self-limitations you made for yourself, until you eventually achieve a continuous, unbroken relationship with your Higher Self…
Uranus often brings about these shifts of awareness through rather shocking jolts. Uranus, The Awakener, causes disturbances that seem to beset you with troubles yet whose ultimate effect frees you from your self-limitations. You realize that it was you, with your limited perspectives, with your doubts and fears, it was you that held yourself in thrall to the lesser…and Uranus freed you to unfold more of what you will become…
Today you receive a more gentle touch of Uranus’ Gift of Individuality. Uranus provides a bridge to your higher understanding so that you can more easily let go of your self-made constraints. You are more ready to accept and so seek to expand your self-realization, to be freer in Mind and Spirit and move into a larger space of Becoming…As you also acknowledge and create this greater space of Freedom for those with whom you journey.
Today, Uranus caresses you with this gentle encouragement…
That you are forever becoming more than you were…
You are part of the Journey of the Divine…you are important!
The Universe is counting on you…to be yourself…
To be Free!