Daily Archives: May 29, 2012

Mercury Square Mars (May 30, 2012)


Whoa…you bet­ter Slow Down…No Real­ly, you bet­ter slow down and LISTEN!

When Mer­cury encoun­ters Mars, your Mind is on fire…but your patience is at an ebb and you are like­ly to make mistakes…and you cer­tain­ly might offend (or be offended).

Sure, it feels fine to be oh so sharp, quick and alert…but you real­ly need to remem­ber that the most impor­tant part of com­mu­ni­ca­tion is to be a good (and patient) lis­ten­er. So turn that excite­ment back upon your­self and con­sid­er what you real­ly know ver­sus what is mere­ly con­jec­ture or opinion…

Mer­cury is skip­ping through Gem­i­ni now and delight­ing in all the diver­si­ty, stim­u­la­tion and excite­ment that this sign brings. Your Mind is seek­ing for the far­ther reach­es, push­ing beyond the accept­ed frontiers…just for the fun of it…Seeing real­i­ty in all its won­drous, dis­tract­ing multiplicities…making discoveries…but the prob­lem here is that you might draw con­clu­sions too quick­ly and so fall into error…

Mars in Vir­go brings a sharp reminder that all those curi­ous diver­sions, all those obser­va­tions, data points, those myr­i­ad facets or points of view…they all need to be brought down to Earth, into some mean­ing­ful order­ing and pur­pose­ful­ness. Mars is the Shaper here, remind­ing Mer­cury that inge­nu­ity, adapt­abil­i­ty and enthu­si­asm in your mind is nec­es­sary to prob­lem solving…but too much brings about just as many new prob­lems to solve…You can move too fast from your data points to “truth”, not tak­ing the time to cri­tique and ana­lyze what is really…Real…

Mars is remind­ing Mer­cury, that some­times (often­times) sim­pler is better…

Although, it is true, your Gem­i­ni spir­it of curios­i­ty is the key to your Intelligence…

It needs to be matched to the Vir­go ide­al of order, so you can achieve the greater Good…

You need to remem­ber that what you real­ly seek…Where Wis­dom Lies…

Is to found in that del­i­cate balance…where you experience…

Peace of Mind!