Monthly Archives: May 2012

Mercury Enters Gemini (May 24, 2012)


Faster, faster, faster…your mind, as in fleet-foot­ed Mer­cury-Her­mes, endowed with “winged feet”, comes back to his home sign! Okay, ready, set…GO!

Mer­cury dash­es into his realm and he is mov­ing very, very fast indeed. He will only be here for two weeks! You have no time to waste, and why would you…you need to dive into this enjoy­able romp, to trip through those mag­i­cal, mer­cu­r­ial fields of curios­i­ty, diver­si­ty and wonder.

Your mind is mov­ing through the ethe­re­al realm of Air now, and those neur­al path­ways are surg­ing and singing with the delights of dis­cov­ery, com­par­i­son and mul­ti­fac­eted stim­u­la­tions. You look with renewed delight upon the mar­vels around you, seek­ing to under­stand and share your insights with oth­ers. Enjoy this won­der­ful quick­en­ing of your most human of gifts…

How­ev­er, you need to watch out for the like­li­hood of becom­ing too stim­u­lat­ed or dis­tract­ed by this flow of energy…Always remem­ber, the noble path is to main­tain your bal­ance in all matters…In a peri­od like this, you need to set aside some qui­et time to give your mind (and nerves) some rest too!

Enjoy the next two weeks as you mar­vel at your won­der of wonders…

Cel­e­brate your adapt­abil­i­ty, inge­nu­ity and Intelligence…

For you are Mind on a won­drous journey…

and there is a whole Uni­verse out there wait­ing for You!

Sun Squares Neptune (May 23, 2012)


Warning…Warning…Reality Test Ahead!

That’s right, when the Sun makes a “hard” aspect to Nep­tune (four times a year) your per­cep­tions are in for a challenge…and that is a good thing!

Why?  Because most of your trou­bles, (and most of the world’s trou­bles), come about through a series of mis­per­cep­tions and mis­un­der­stand­ings, that turns all of those lit­tle mis­steps into huge mishaps.

What can you do? First, you need to have a good sense of humor, and to admit that it all starts with you! You have to look in that prover­bial mir­ror and laugh, laugh at all your mis­per­cep­tions about your­self. Because in each decade of your life, (if not in each year, month or week), you should see your under­stand­ing of your­self (and your world) grow beyond…into some­thing more…and that is good!

How­ev­er, in order to grow…you have to let go…You have to release your­self from your for­mer cer­tain­ties, those “truths” that explained every­thing at a low­er lev­el of per­cep­tion, but which now no longer func­tion or make sense at the high­er one for which you strive. You need to expe­ri­ence dis­il­lu­sion (to lose your illu­sions), to lose faith with your old view, for only then can you receive an Illu­mi­na­tion and so be able to per­ceive the greater real­i­ty you actu­al­ly move in…

This is what is the Sun squar­ing Nep­tune indi­cates and offers to you now. You need to lose your cer­tain­ty (which cre­ates your blind­ers and can lead to prej­u­dice), and seek to main­tain a more open, ques­tion­ing, for­ev­er-seek­ing form of Faith…To have faith with the spir­it with­in you, who is always dri­ving you upwards in a spi­ral of aspi­ra­tion towards that Greater Under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.

Your aware­ness should always be unfold­ing, becom­ing more nuanced and con­di­tion­al. You evolve from being “oh so sure of your­self” and your view of your world, to becom­ing ever more adapt­able and hum­ble as you expand your understanding…

You will con­tin­ue to lift your­self up and up, until you final­ly reach True Wis­dom where­in you real­ize that you can nev­er be sure of ANYTHING…except that you must con­tin­ue to GROW!

You can have faith in your Spir­it, faith in your high­er Self who is always there to guide you…

You can know that there is always more to dis­cov­er, more to understand…

You can be cer­tain that your one true path is to con­tin­ue your nev­er-end­ing journey…

You are Spirit…you must ever “Walk On”!

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter (May 21–22, 2012)


Today begins a new cycle in the dynam­ic rela­tion­ship between your Low­er mind and your High­er mind (between your low­er and high­er Manas)…between your Rea­son and your Truth.

At least once a year Mer­cury will come over Jupiter and bring about this re-set between your pow­ers of Induc­tion and Deduc­tion, between your Infor­ma­tion and your Understanding.

Mer­cury rules your “Low­er” Mind where­by you con­nect with the world around you, gath­er­ing sen­so­ry inputs or data…You observe, ana­lyze, cat­e­go­rize and use your mar­velous gift of intel­li­gence to cre­ate your expe­ri­ence of the greater real­i­ty around you. How­ev­er, Mer­cury works with­in the con­texts that are set down by your Prin­ci­ples or Truths, by your Jupiter function.

Jupiter rules your “High­er” Mind where­in you cre­ate your World View…Your belief sys­tems of reli­gion, phi­los­o­phy, sci­ence and law pro­vide the frame­work for you to look out upon your world and per­ceive what you can with your Low­er Mind. Jupi­ter­ian Truths cre­ate your point of view, which you then go out to prove or dis­prove with your Mer­cu­r­ial expe­ri­ence of real­i­ty; and your Mer­cu­r­ial inputs feed back upon to prove, refine or dis­prove your Jupiter assump­tions. In effect, your Jupiter Deduc­tions and Mer­cury Induc­tions work togeth­er to con­stant­ly build a flu­id and dynam­ic under­stand­ing of your­self and your world.

Today pro­vides a won­der­ful moment to stand between your Truths and Facts, between your Under­stand­ing and your Rea­son as you move clos­er and clos­er to True Wisdom.

For the trou­ble is, you do not know what you do not under­stand. Your Jupiter prin­ci­ples guide you to see the world a cer­tain way, and this directs your low­er mind to find those inputs that prove you right. Mean­while, your Mer­cury rea­son seeks to find infor­ma­tion that serves to rein­force and build up your Jupiter “truths”. Unless you remain con­stant­ly vig­i­lant, always ques­tion­ing, doubt­ing and test­ing your “Facts” and your “The­o­ries”, you will find your­self falling into error and confusion.

Today pro­vides a spe­cial oppor­tu­ni­ty, a re-set much like a New Moon for your two minds, the High­er and Low­er. You can stand beside them both and see how cer­tain assump­tions of the High­er have pre­dis­posed you to accept or look for cer­tain inputs to con­firm your world-view; you can also see how your gath­er­ing of pure data points have been pre-deter­mined by what you wished to find in order to con­firm what you believe to be true.

Today your High­er Self, through your Bud­dhi or The One True Mind, can help you see into this beau­ti­ful but self-lim­it­ing rela­tion­ship of your Low­er and High­er Minds. You can stand in the cen­tered space of your Lucid mind, more free of your “assump­tions” and “facts”…You can look at your­self and your world anew, like a new­born child, with eyes that are Full of Wonder!

You are Spirit…Mind on a Quest for Greater Understanding.…

You are a Spark of the Divine…your ever unfold­ing, self-becom­ing urge…To Grow!

Today you take a new step clos­er to your Greater Life…

Today you move clos­er to the Light of True Wisdom!

Sun Enters Gemini & New Moon (Solar Eclipse) in Gemini (May 20, 2012)


The Por­tal of Gemini

Turn now…and face the Portal…that Sacred Gate­way, which will ever stand as the bea­con that calls to you…a lumi­nous reminder of what was won by the gift of those who have gone ahead, who stepped through…who have unfold­ed what you will become…

To become a Spir­it who is ful­ly Self-Conscious!

They are the Gift, They the Watch­ers who wait…They will Wait and Watch at this The Por­tal of Self-Awareness…For you must do the work of lift­ing your own aware­ness to that next plane, you must become awak­ened to that high­er ground that awaits you.…It can­not be giv­en, but must be earned (as in all things)…

These Enlight­ened Ones stand ever ready, they will abide because they have great com­pas­sion for you, for they Know, they have been where you are…They will pro­vide what­ev­er assis­tance is per­mit­ted with­in the Karmic Law (and the one, true straight path to their help is to make a sin­cere pledge to Serve).

This is the true mean­ing of Gem­i­ni, whose sym­bol is lit­er­al­ly a Por­tal, The Gate­way that all have passed as they move from mere Con­scious­ness to Self-Consciousness…a mighty and awe­some step in the Jour­ney of Spirit!

Aries is the Begin­ning, you move into form again, you have “Presence”…Taurus is the Sec­ond, you take pos­ses­sion of your form, you have “Val­ue”…

Now comes Gem­i­ni, here you expand your aware­ness, (to think about think­ing), here you con­tin­ue the Jour­ney of Spir­it, of Mind which is ever unfolding…For it is now in the Human form that you move from aware­ness into that greater and greater dimen­sion of Self-Consciousness!

This is your path­way, this your unfold­ing aware­ness… you will become a Con­scious Co-Cre­ator of your Uni­verse, to join in the Great Work with the mag­nif­i­cent host of oth­er Self-Aware Beings who trav­el with you.

All the Muta­ble signs are Gate­way Signs, they lead you from one realm of life into another…they are the signs of Tran­si­tion. To move into these adapt­able places, you enter through a por­tal where you must sur­ren­der your less­er being in order to move into your greater Truth. Each tran­si­tion is an “Initiation”…each involves tri­als and tests, chal­lenges and growth!

The Tri­als and Tests of Gem­i­ni con­cern your most pre­cious gift of Intel­li­gence, which must be honed and mas­tered by many, many lessons. Who is your Teacher? Know This…Life is always the Teacher!…Your Kar­ma brings to you the many chal­lenges and prob­lems that you must solve so that you can grow. Your instru­ment of Intel­li­gence is engaged and sharp­ened by this fric­tion­al encounter with “Reality”…You estab­lish your facts, solu­tions and knowl­edge so that you may answer the chal­lenges that you encounter in the world you made.

These Intel­li­gence Tests you bring to your­self through your past actions. Real­ly, you teach your­self, you learn to choose to do what is bet­ter, to do Good, to Cre­ate the Good…You learn to be part of that greater life, to join with that won­drous host of evolv­ing beings who are the Uni­verse made manifest.

But, this is no ordi­nary entrance into Gem­i­ni’s Realm, for today is also the New Moon!

And…There is more! The Sun, Moon and Earth have reached their twice year­ly align­ment as well…Today is also an Annu­lar Solar Eclipse! This is a spe­cial day…

As the Sun moves into Gem­i­ni, the Moon will also move into Gem­i­ni and slide across the face of the Sun com­plete­ly cov­er­ing it, except for a thin ring of the Sun remain­ing vis­i­ble (That is what the term “annu­lar” means, “lit­tle ring”. ..Which in this case you will see as a beau­ti­ful Ring of Fire or Nim­bus around the Sun, the “Glo­ry” of the Sun revealed!) The Eclipse will be vis­i­ble in the West­ern Unit­ed States (those in the Mid-West will see the begin­ning of the eclipse as the Sun sets, and sor­ry East Coast you will not see it).

As always, when a Solar Eclipse occurs, the nor­mal mes­sage of the New Moon car­ries a spe­cial sig­nif­i­cance and mean­ing. The shad­ow that the Moon casts indi­cates that you have to face some form of blind spot…an old point of view needs to be resolved, a karmic les­son must be healed, in order to able to receive the fuller ben­e­fit of the New Moon dispensation.

The Eclipse is like a spe­cial “Intel­li­gence Test”, it reminds you that your dia­mond-like fac­ul­ty of intel­li­gence, with your mul­ti-faceted points of view and per­spec­tives, that your won­drous instru­ment can become stuck or biased. You need to be able to see that you cast your own shad­ows of assump­tions, which will always pre­vent you from see­ing the Greater Reality.

You need to see this Moon Shad­ow as a won­der­ful reminder that you must always chal­lenge your­self, to ques­tion your assump­tions and keep refin­ing your point of view. Shift your focus, shine your mind-light from var­i­ous angles, adopt, even for a moment, points of view that are con­trary to your own, because by doing so you will be able to see your own self-cast shad­ows. Remem­ber always that your intel­li­gence is found­ed upon your adapt­abil­i­ty, flex­i­bil­i­ty and con­stant desire to question…everything!

Enter the realm of Gemini…the por­tal of your Self Awakening!

Give thanks to this Mer­cu­r­ial Moon…which brings a quick­en­ing to your Intelligence!

Dance in the Shad­ow of the Eclipse…as you acknowl­edge the Enlight­ened Ones who watch over you as they guide you to the Light.


Mars Trine Pluto (May 16, 2012)


The Grand Trine of Mer­cury, Mars and Pluto

Your Triple Trin­ing Dance con­cludes, and what a dance it was!

First, it was the gift of Mer­cury and Mars, who brought that Clear­er Mind…

Sec­ond, came the dance of Mer­cury and Plu­to, bestow­ing Concentration…

Now, it is time to com­plete your dance, to ful­fill this Trip­tych Tale…

Now into “third posi­tion” you wel­come Mars and Plu­to, to com­plete this Cir­cle of Light…with Pluto/Mars may you now receive the Gift of Focused Action!

The Will of Plu­to shapes your Mar­t­ian Dri­ves into a more pur­pose­ful inten­tion. What may have seemed impos­si­ble will now have met its match. You find the strength to go beyond, those lim­its will give way. The high­er rung is not so far, no task too great for you…it is your time to rise above and prove what you can do!

The Dance is done…Your deed accomplished…and all to bring about…To move you to a bet­ter place, to reach a high­er ground. From Right Think­ing to Right Action has always been the way…

That is your Noble Path, what many call The Tao.

The plan­ets have danced their dance for you, to illus­trate these (and many truths). For this is what their dance is always, like some Epic Poem of Truth. They sweep across these star­ry spaces to shine on you below…For as above, it is so below…

That these are truths for­ev­er on…

You should prac­tice day by day.

Their dance of beau­ty, of how to be…

In each and every way.