Mercury Trine Saturn (June 3, 2012)


Your inquis­i­tive, rest­less Mind finds a stead­ier focus today…Saturn brings a wel­come mea­sure of grav­i­tas to the youth­ful enthu­si­asms of Mer­cury skip­ping through Gemini.

The most won­drous gift of Her­mes in Gem­i­ni is your remark­able capac­i­ty known as Intelligence…It is the gift of your mind’s facile adapt­abil­i­ty, nim­ble quick­ness and insa­tiable curios­i­ty that cre­ates your capac­i­ty for tack­ling the nev­er-end­ing chal­lenges that you encounter on your path.

But that very gift can some­times cre­ate its own set of challenges…of con­trari­ness, rest­less­ness and dis­trac­tion. Today’s beau­ti­ful align­ment of Mer­cury and Sat­urn pro­vides a wel­come teth­er between your over eager low­er mind and your pur­pose­ful sense of responsibility.

You can take your delights in the joy found through Mer­cury’s open-mind­ed approach while also dis­play­ing the prac­ti­cal atten­tive­ness that sees the mat­ter brought to a suc­cess­ful out­come. Rather than a wit who is mere­ly whim­si­cal, you dis­play the gift of intel­li­gent bril­liance that shines for posterity.

Today is a day for quick yet deep­er thinking…

Today you are a steady Shin­ing Star…the shad­ows will give way…

You are the Youth­ful One…and The Ancient of Days…

As you walk the razor’s edge, between the Dark­ness and the Light.

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