Neptune Retrograde & Venus Squares Mars (June 4, 2012)


As if a Full Moon Eclipse were not enough on the Moon’s day (Mon­day), you also are feel­ing the effects of two oth­er pow­er­ful mes­sages today. Nep­tune turns ret­ro­grade until Novem­ber 10…and Venus bumps into Mars…the day before she “kiss­es” the Sun on Tues­day. That is tru­ly a spe­cial day, a day when Venus will put on a lit­er­al­ly once in a life­time show by pass­ing in front of the Sun for you! Wow, there is a lot going on here!

The influ­ence of Nep­tune mov­ing “back­wards”, as in all ret­ro­grade bod­ies, is to bring into greater focus the gift of Nep­tune’s ener­gies, help­ing you to go beyond the ordi­nary in your search for Spir­i­tu­al Under­stand­ing. Remem­ber, any plan­et mov­ing ret­ro­grade increas­es in strength as its ener­gies align to focus upon your more sub­tle inner nature.

Nep­tune is said to rule your most pre­cious fac­ul­ty of Imag­i­na­tion, your mar­velous gift of Dream­ing which is your touch­stone to be at one with the nev­er-end­ing jour­ney that is Creation…Neptune rules your Pow­er to be an Imagineer.

You encounter this world as it IS…It is a “fact” for you. It is a world which you played both ancient and more recent roles in mak­ing it into what it is…You encounter this Real­i­ty and you dream of some­thing more, some­thing greater, some­thing better…

This is what dri­ves Cre­ation, the urge of Spir­it, of your Spir­it, to become, to real­ize itself by unfold­ing with count­less oth­er sparks of the Divine your Mind, Love and Will…and in and through that very unfold­ment you are Dream­er dream­ing Creation.

Nep­tune turn­ing ret­ro­grade leads you into the mys­tery of the cos­mos which though seem­ing­ly sur­round­ing you lies in your heart of hearts too. The mys­tery of mys­ter­ies is that you are a Spark of the Divine whose Cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

Let Nep­tune take you now beyond the Veil of Isis into the deep­er mys­ter­ies of you…



Mean­while, clos­er to your home on Earth, Venus is get­ting ready for her big show on Tues­day as she encoun­ters Mars who has a mes­sage for her, a mes­sage that you must heed.

Venus is also con­tin­u­ing her own ret­ro­grade jour­ney, await­ing the gift the Sun is about to impart to her. She is trip­ping through her realm of val­ues, of beau­ty and love, tak­ing her delights in the deli­cious­ly divert­ing vari­eties of appre­ci­a­tions that Gem­i­ni bestows (and encourages).

Mars offers a shap­ing hand from the realms of Virgo…Diversions and con­trari­ness are all fine and good says Mars, but at the end of the day do your sen­si­bil­i­ties and appre­ci­a­tions lead to greater value…do they bring you to a more peace­ful place…do they work?

Mars is bring­ing a reminder to Venus that though there is much you will gain from an open appre­ci­a­tion for the infi­nite vari­a­tions life has to offer, it is not enough. If you mere­ly enjoy or amuse your­self by per­pet­u­al­ly remain­ing in that state of stim­u­lat­ing dis­trac­tions and spi­ral­ing diver­sions, you will inevitably cre­ate the oppo­site of beauty…you will end up in a place of ugli­ness, you end up with Disorder.

Mars is remind­ing Venus that your jour­ney through diver­si­ty is there to enrich your under­stand­ing. Then you can bring back, inte­grate and so form this into a more com­plete, mean­ing­ful and whole life for your­self. Your jour­ney through the many forms is so that you can see the beau­ty in the parts but also find a way to make it and your­self whole too.

Mars reminds Venus that the most pre­cious val­ue is to be at peace…

Your most pre­cious gift is to have Peace of Mind.

2 thoughts on “Neptune Retrograde & Venus Squares Mars (June 4, 2012)

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