Venus crosses the face of the Sun…And what a wonder She is to behold! The beauty and majesty of your family of planets is so wondrously revealed in her graceful crossing of the Solar Disc…A wondrous reminder that we are all related, all part of a great family of Being, of Light-Bearers…Her dance across the Center of your Space is just simply Beautiful!
Venus has reached the halfway point in her retrograde cycle, the moment when she aligns with the Sun to receive the gift she has been seeking, an answer to her question, which is your question too…about Beauty and Love.
This time, this meeting of the Self (Sun) and Value (Venus) is special…this time she makes a very rare alignment with the Earth and Sun so that she will literally pass before the face of the Sun…This time you will see Venus kiss the Sun for you!
You have been waiting for this, oh yes, yes you have…Since May 15 you have been on a journey, seeking the answer to a most important question:
“Am I Loved?”
Venus bends her way back over the Sun seeking the answer, she returns to the source, to the Fountain-Source of the energies of your Home System…and the Sun has her Answer, the Sun has your Answer…
“Of course, of course my little ones…you are loved…for you are LOVE…”
The Sun, like an Avatar of the Central Sun, to whom you are linked through your own Higher Self, the Sun reminds you…That you (and Venus) and all the other countless consciousness centers unfolding within this Universe are all part of a great shining host.
You are the self-beaming sparks of the one Divine Light. Your value, your self-worth is beyond any instrument or numbering system to measure…This wondrous journey that you are upon, this luminous spiraling procession of Consciousness, this descent into matter and through the spaces of space, is so that you may bring forth from within, the wonder that is Creation. You unfold from within the Light Divine so that you may make ever more Conscious, ever more Luminous, the wonder that is your Universe.
You do this, little by little, but more and more, by aligning your Self with your Higher Self, by joining with your Beloved. Through your more perfect union you are able to release more of the Light Divine, the Light that you already have within you.
Look at Venus and the Sun, they are singing to you…You are love…you are loved!
Now more truly aligned with your Self, as Venus so beautifully reminds you with her dance across the Sun, you will place yourself more firmly upon the path that will bring you to the Sacred Three. It is by these powers, through your Luminous Mind, Unconditional Love and a Centered Will, it is by these sacred three that you find your way to your proper place as a conscious Co-Creator of this Cosmos.
What Venus receives today is what you know in your heart…
That you are Beautiful…That you are Love…
Turn and gaze with wonder at your Universe…
Turn and look at your Creation…
And Smile!