Venus Conjunct Sun (June 5, 2012)


Venus cross­es the face of the Sun…And what a won­der She is to behold! The beau­ty and majesty of your fam­i­ly of plan­ets is so won­drous­ly revealed in her grace­ful cross­ing of the Solar Disc…A won­drous reminder that we are all relat­ed, all part of a great fam­i­ly of Being, of Light-Bearers…Her dance across the Cen­ter of your Space is just sim­ply Beautiful!

Venus has reached the halfway point in her ret­ro­grade cycle, the moment when she aligns with the Sun to receive the gift she has been seek­ing, an answer to her ques­tion, which is your ques­tion too…about Beau­ty and Love.

This time, this meet­ing of the Self (Sun) and Val­ue (Venus) is special…this time she makes a very rare align­ment with the Earth and Sun so that she will lit­er­al­ly pass before the face of the Sun…This time you will see Venus kiss the Sun for you!

You have been wait­ing for this, oh yes, yes you have…Since May 15 you have been on a jour­ney, seek­ing the answer to a most impor­tant question:

Am I Loved?”

Venus bends her way back over the Sun seek­ing the answer, she returns to the source, to the Foun­tain-Source of the ener­gies of your Home System…and the Sun has her Answer, the Sun has your Answer…

Of course, of course my lit­tle ones…you are loved…for you are LOVE…”

The Sun, like an Avatar of the Cen­tral Sun, to whom you are linked through your own High­er Self, the Sun reminds you…That you (and Venus) and all the oth­er count­less con­scious­ness cen­ters unfold­ing with­in this Uni­verse are all part of a great shin­ing host.

You are the self-beam­ing sparks of the one Divine Light. Your val­ue, your self-worth is beyond any instru­ment or num­ber­ing sys­tem to measure…This won­drous jour­ney that you are upon, this lumi­nous spi­ral­ing pro­ces­sion of Con­scious­ness, this descent into mat­ter and through the spaces of space, is so that you may bring forth from with­in, the won­der that is Cre­ation. You unfold from with­in the Light Divine so that you may make ever more Con­scious, ever more Lumi­nous, the won­der that is your Universe.

You do this, lit­tle by lit­tle, but more and more, by align­ing your Self with your High­er Self, by join­ing with your Beloved. Through your more per­fect union you are able to release more of the Light Divine, the Light that you already have with­in you.

Look at Venus and the Sun, they are singing to you…You are love…you are loved!

Now more tru­ly aligned with your Self, as Venus so beau­ti­ful­ly reminds you with her dance across the Sun, you will place your­self more firm­ly upon the path that will bring you to the Sacred Three. It is by these pow­ers, through your Lumi­nous Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will, it is by these sacred three that you find your way to your prop­er place as a con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Cosmos.

What Venus receives today is what you know in your heart…

That you are Beautiful…That you are Love…

Turn and gaze with won­der at your Universe…

Turn and look at your Creation…

And Smile!

One thought on “Venus Conjunct Sun (June 5, 2012)

  1. Daniella

    I’ve been faith­ful­ly read­ing your astro­log­i­cal inter­pre­ta­tions for years. The integri­ty and authen­tic­i­ty of your writ­ing beau­ti­ful­ly reflects the essence of your message.
    Thank you for being one very spe­cial ones of the One in my life. Through your grace and love, you shine a gen­tle light that guides me when mine is dim and calms me when mine is blazing.
    Every time you exhale fresh Won­der, you take my breath away.
    Much love,


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