Sun Squares Mars (June 7, 2012)


Today…that is lat­er today, it will be a lit­tle difficult…You find that your actions do not always take you to your intentions…it seems as if the Uni­verse has anoth­er des­ti­na­tion in mind for you. You can try, you can push hard­er, but trust me the Uni­verse is big­ger than you are!

Today, tonight you might find that you, and every­one else, are all a lit­tle more irri­ta­ble because of mount­ing frus­tra­tions. You and any oth­er are more prone to anger…but usu­al­ly (as always, in the end) the true source of your trou­ble is your anger with your­self. Where does all this obstruc­tion, frus­tra­tion and anger come from?

The Sun in Gem­i­ni is putting all your ener­gy behind the pure expe­ri­ence of new diver­sions. Delight­ing in more stim­u­la­tion, more dis­cov­er­ies, more inputs…It does not mat­ter what for, the point is to extend your­self into as many direc­tions as human­ly possible…It is the “Jack be Nim­ble, Jack be Quick” time of year. That is all well and good, for this serves to devel­op your fac­ul­ty of Intelligence…your curios­i­ty, inge­nu­ity and adaptability…All essen­tial qual­i­ties you need and should strive for!

Mars comes along now with a reminder; Mars lays down a more cau­tion­ary message…Mars is in Vir­go and stands here for the prin­ci­ple of Mean­ing­ful Actions and Order. What­ev­er draws your atten­tion, what­ev­er you wish to pursue…well, there has to be, in the end, a prac­ti­cal rea­son for that, some­thing applic­a­ble, some­thing use­ful and not mere­ly amus­ing or stimulating…Mars in Vir­go stands upon the path to steer your Nimbleness…into Adeptness.

The Uni­verse, Spir­it, is always seek­ing to help you find your way along the path to greater ful­fill­ment, to draw you on and out in your unfold­ing, won­drous jour­ney of Growth. When­ev­er you move too far along a cer­tain path of Motivation/Action, the Uni­verse comes in with a reminder to get back to your cen­ter, to walk that mid­dle road of Bal­ance and Integration.

The chal­lenge today, the chal­lenge every day, is to stay on the path where you endeav­or to employ your con­stel­la­tion of sen­si­bil­i­ties and tal­ents in a har­mo­nious Cho­rus, each and every fac­ul­ty bal­anced with and for one anoth­er. Rather than act­ing at cross pur­pos­es, and becom­ing cross with your­self, you must become the Lord of all you have and har­ness your pow­ers to your ever-spi­ral­ing path­way of Growth…

Be Nim­ble, be Quick…

But be Hum­ble and Patient too.

You are on the path…

The path­way to becom­ing an Adept.

One thought on “Sun Squares Mars (June 7, 2012)

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