Daily Archives: June 8, 2012

Mercury Trine Neptune (June 8, 2012)


Today is a day for Dreamers…Today is a day for Beauty…

Today is a day for Love…

Her­mes is just begin­ning to enjoy his new Watery home, and lo and behold, of all the fel­low trav­el­ers he could encounter in your star­ry space, who is there to bestow bless­ings today…It is the Lord Nep­tune, the mighty Ruler of the Seas, who greets him from her own Watery realm of Pisces! Okay pil­grim, it is time for a lit­tle mag­ic, time to turn that think­ing cap into your Dream­ing Wonder!

Your mind is uplift­ed by the whis­pers from beyond…perceptions shift as you pierce through the veil of the ordi­nary and dis­cov­er worlds with­in worlds…Intimations of your immor­tal­i­ty are felt through Song and Dance, Paint­ing and Sculp­ture and the eyes of the beloved before you…

Enjoy the goose bumps as you con­nect to the Spir­it with­in and around you too…Even for a moment, you will feel it, The One…and you are one of the ones of the ONE!

So get up…Dance, Sing…go to a muse­um, for a walk in a cathe­dral of trees, climb that moun­tain path, or sit your­self down in your sacred space…it is all good!

Today you are Spirit…and the Divine is calling!

Today you are a Creator…Life your canvas!

Today you are Lovely…pass it on!