Daily Archives: June 10, 2012

Mercury Square Uranus & Mercury Opposite Pluto (June 11, 2012)


Her­mes crossed into Can­cer 4 days ago, greet­ed by a beau­ti­ful caress from Nep­tune in the sis­ter Water sign of Pisces…Now Mer­cury (your mind) faces a more daunt­ing prospect…Today, not one but two out­er plan­ets bring their atten­tions to bear upon your point of view…and they will not be denied!

Ear­li­er today Mer­cury runs into Uranus whose ener­gies impel you towards a freer, more open and eclec­tic atti­tude of mind. Uranus push­es Mer­cury to extend your mind beyond your ordi­nary assumptions…Those assump­tions have been focused late­ly upon mat­ters close to home. While in Can­cer Mer­cury seeks to bring you back to the cen­ter of your life, to your thought­ful-feel­ings of fam­i­ly, home, eth­nic­i­ty and all those ele­ments that will always con­nect you to your roots…

Uranus, usu­al­ly through some shock or sur­prise, seeks to chal­lenge your secu­ri­ty and roots now, so that you might see, which roots are true and which you should let go. You dis­cov­er what parts of your fam­i­ly or cul­ture res­onate for you and which do not. The fuller release of your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty depends upon this, this cen­ter­ing upon your truth, which comes through this cleav­ing to what is true and let­ting go of what is less true for you.

Those shocks and releas­es, that would be enough on any day…but the Uni­verse is build­ing up to the “Big Event”, Uranus Square Plu­to lat­er this month, and so after depart­ing Uranus Mer­cury runs right into the third of the out­er plan­ets, the Lord of Will and Bound­aries, Plu­to. What does this mean for you?

Mer­cury in Can­cer is seek­ing for the Cen­ter, div­ing to con­nect to the root of what­ev­er mat­ters to you so that you can feel whole and com­plete. Plu­to stands oppo­site in Capri­corn, bring­ing pres­sure to bear, with which to pull or push you. Plu­to’s influ­ence will appear to come from with­out, from some oth­er who is try­ing to either pull you to their cen­ter or push you off yours. You may feel you must give in or give way, or even to push back to prove your way…but the truth is you should see the oppor­tu­ni­ty that is here before you.

Plu­to’s chal­lenge is a gift, it is here to remind you to always hon­or and keep whole the sacred­ness of your space, as you equal­ly must hon­or the sacred space of every oth­er too. That when­ev­er you find your­self in some sort of strug­gle with anoth­er, a bat­tle of wills over points of view, beliefs or principles…that you under­stand that the real strug­gle, the real bat­tle will always be with your­self. For the only con­trol you must have and need is Self-Control!

The chal­lenge is to main­tain your cen­ter, to secure your sacred space…and to real­ize that this encounter has pro­vid­ed the very means by which you will more clear­ly feel, secure and hon­or what is more true to you. You will see what is tru­ly at your core because of this strug­gle, and that this is more than you ever could have achieved on your own.

Uranus shocks you…to free your mind…

Plu­to pres­sures you…to pre­serve your sacred space…

Togeth­er they steer and guide your Consciousness.…

Ever onward…To your Greater Understanding!

Jupiter Enters Gemini (June 11, 2012)


Your path­way of growth turns in a new direc­tion, your life expands into new dimen­sions as Jupiter makes his move into Gem­i­ni. Here is what I wrote about this in my year­ly forecast:

Jupiter Enters Gem­i­ni (June 11)

The biggest plan­et “hops over the prover­bial can­dle­stick” (again and again), as it moves through the sign of nim­ble­ness, intel­li­gence and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The over­all ener­gy lev­el (thoughts, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and actions) will expand great­ly, but you will need to work on try­ing to main­tain direc­tion­al­i­ty and focus. Advances will be made in all forms of net­work­ing, and indi­vid­u­als and groups will have access to more and more infor­ma­tion. The ques­tion will be: “Do we real­ly have more under­stand­ing or are we mere­ly becom­ing more distracted”?

Jupiter is mov­ing from Earth to Air, from expand­ing the under­stand­ing of your Val­ue to stretch­ing the under­stand­ing of your Mind. Dur­ing this past year, while Jupiter played in the Gar­dens of Tau­rus, you had numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op your appre­ci­a­tion of your self-worth. You deep­ened the con­nec­tions to your true source of val­ue, your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial that pours forth from with­in, from your Self.

Jove’s shift into Gem­i­ni draws you into his world of mar­velous mul­ti­plic­i­ties, a daz­zling array of new oppor­tu­ni­ties await you for the com­ing year. Your growth will take the form of greater under­stand­ings and more com­plex and wider con­nec­tions. Jupiter’s pas­sage through Air favors all forms of intel­lec­tu­al inspi­ra­tion as you more eas­i­ly form more mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions with­in your mind and in the world around you. Ques­tions and puz­zles that seemed beyond res­o­lu­tion will be resolved in the light of Greater Under­stand­ing. Your spir­it will soar as you push back the bound­aries and explore wider spaces…

As always with Jupiter, be cir­cum­spect with your new-found enthusiasms…You need to remain mind­ful that too much of any­thing is, well, Too Much! Enjoy the surge of ener­gies cours­ing through you…but it is up to you to bring them to bear and main­tain your focus. You cer­tain­ly can expand from one into many activ­i­ties and direc­tions, but remem­ber that there comes a point where you dis­perse your ener­gies over­much and your poten­tial for real growth is wast­ed in the hubris of your every and all…

Cel­e­brate your New Cycle of Growth…

Let the Winds of the Spir­it car­ry you through the Por­tal of Gemini…

You are ris­ing to the challenge…ever onward to your opportunities!

You, now filled with awe, as you behold the Won­ders of your Universe!