Jupiter Enters Gemini (June 11, 2012)


Your path­way of growth turns in a new direc­tion, your life expands into new dimen­sions as Jupiter makes his move into Gem­i­ni. Here is what I wrote about this in my year­ly forecast:

Jupiter Enters Gem­i­ni (June 11)

The biggest plan­et “hops over the prover­bial can­dle­stick” (again and again), as it moves through the sign of nim­ble­ness, intel­li­gence and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The over­all ener­gy lev­el (thoughts, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and actions) will expand great­ly, but you will need to work on try­ing to main­tain direc­tion­al­i­ty and focus. Advances will be made in all forms of net­work­ing, and indi­vid­u­als and groups will have access to more and more infor­ma­tion. The ques­tion will be: “Do we real­ly have more under­stand­ing or are we mere­ly becom­ing more distracted”?

Jupiter is mov­ing from Earth to Air, from expand­ing the under­stand­ing of your Val­ue to stretch­ing the under­stand­ing of your Mind. Dur­ing this past year, while Jupiter played in the Gar­dens of Tau­rus, you had numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op your appre­ci­a­tion of your self-worth. You deep­ened the con­nec­tions to your true source of val­ue, your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial that pours forth from with­in, from your Self.

Jove’s shift into Gem­i­ni draws you into his world of mar­velous mul­ti­plic­i­ties, a daz­zling array of new oppor­tu­ni­ties await you for the com­ing year. Your growth will take the form of greater under­stand­ings and more com­plex and wider con­nec­tions. Jupiter’s pas­sage through Air favors all forms of intel­lec­tu­al inspi­ra­tion as you more eas­i­ly form more mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions with­in your mind and in the world around you. Ques­tions and puz­zles that seemed beyond res­o­lu­tion will be resolved in the light of Greater Under­stand­ing. Your spir­it will soar as you push back the bound­aries and explore wider spaces…

As always with Jupiter, be cir­cum­spect with your new-found enthusiasms…You need to remain mind­ful that too much of any­thing is, well, Too Much! Enjoy the surge of ener­gies cours­ing through you…but it is up to you to bring them to bear and main­tain your focus. You cer­tain­ly can expand from one into many activ­i­ties and direc­tions, but remem­ber that there comes a point where you dis­perse your ener­gies over­much and your poten­tial for real growth is wast­ed in the hubris of your every and all…

Cel­e­brate your New Cycle of Growth…

Let the Winds of the Spir­it car­ry you through the Por­tal of Gemini…

You are ris­ing to the challenge…ever onward to your opportunities!

You, now filled with awe, as you behold the Won­ders of your Universe!

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