Daily Archives: June 12, 2012

Sun Trine Saturn (June 13, 2012)


Six­ty days, that is how long it has been…that is how far you have come since you had your last encounter, your last great Reck­on­ing with Saturn…

But today is a dif­fer­ent kind of day, today the Sun meets Sat­urn in a beau­ti­ful trine aspect and all is good in the world, all is right between your High­er Self and You, between your Poten­tial (Sun) and your Real­i­ty (Sat­urn).

Back in April, you faced one of the four turn­ings. You came to one of the four car­di­nal cross­ing points that prod and poke you towards a greater under­stand­ing, that make you see how much space there is between your dream of your­self and your reality…and often, at such times, you can feel that there is a far, far span that lies before you still…

But today is dif­fer­ent, today you can see that your gap has closed, your dream a lit­tle clos­er, your pos­si­bil­i­ties are becom­ing probabilities…yes, you just might make it! Today, the uni­verse pro­vides encour­age­ment, by remind­ing you that your lim­its are only tem­po­rary, that they are more often than not self-imposed, but very nec­es­sary for your growth too.

For that is the nature of embod­i­ment, of man­i­fest­ing your dreams, of cre­at­ing your real­i­ty. Mov­ing from the Ide­al, unfold­ing your Dream into Real­i­ty, always involves lim­i­ta­tions as you move from the plane of Mind to the realm of Earth…but this also cre­ates your Realizations…that with­out the lim­its and lessons you encounter, with­out these you would not grow.

Today you find more com­fort­ing con­fir­ma­tion, as the ever-unfold­ing Real­i­ty more tru­ly reflects the ever-reveal­ing Ide­al you imag­ined, that the choic­es you made to lim­it your Self have cre­at­ed a new real­iza­tion for your Self.

Today you glide along, between Heav­en and Earth…

You are the bridge between what was and what might be…

Today, you are the Dreamer…you the Dream to be.