The Wheel of Life turns…Your next chapter begins…And you pause, and you ponder…where does your story take you now, what realm of life, what discoveries and what wonders await, and what life lessons do you face on the path ahead…what waits for you beyond this threshold?
You have come to another crossing…you are back again at one of the four great turning points in the year…For each season begins with a release, each quarter starts in one of the four Sacred Elements…and each season starts with a Cardinal sign, a sign of beginnings.
You began the year 3 months ago in Fire, as you moved into the greater awareness of your Presence…You then moved into Earth, going within yourself to embrace more truly what you have, to make real your Value. Finally, you entered Air, moving out again to extend your understanding of the worlds around you, reveling in your most precious gift of Intelligence.
So you wonder, what now, what is this sensation that you feel? Well it is exactly that! Because now you begin again, now you move into Water, now you move through the wondrous realm of Feeling. You move inward again, to seek for your Center…You need to bring all of yourself together now, you need to feel Whole, to be connected within and without by an energy that words can never describe…and your turn to where it all began…you bring yourself Home.
Cancer rules your Foundations…Cancer rules your Roots. You need to feel that you are part of something greater, that you come from somewhere, that you belong to something…and that this makes your life meaningful. You plant your feet firmly upon this path you share with those who travel with you, your Family, your Friends and you give and receive for one another…because…because you Care…For you are Spirit, and you care for one another.
You nourish yourself by connecting with your past and you nourish others by caring for them here and now. You take your comfort, you find your peaceful place, in the feeling that you are you, whole and complete, centered upon your truer self. Yet you are also you because you are one of countless ones, who travel within a great journey of light, of Life-Consciousness-Spirit, seeking to Know and Feel and Will into being the very Reality that is this, your Universe.
You are you because you belong to one another and you journey together to a great, great destiny…You nurture yourself, you nurture one another…You Care for One Another…You are Cared for.
It is time, time to come home…
It is time to remember, where you come from…
It is time to Stand upon your Rock of Ages…
As you look to the Stars…as you look upon your Destiny…
It is time, it is time…
To Come Home!