Sun Trine Neptune (June 23, 2012)


Dream on Dream­er…
It is your Cre­ation, after all…
For you are the Dream­mak­er, you the Dreamwalker!

You are the Dream­er-Cre­ator mov­ing through this space, mov­ing through this Real­i­ty. This world, this real­i­ty you forged before…you and count­less oth­ers helped to cre­ate these worlds long, long ago.

Some­times when you con­sid­er your beau­ti­ful vision, when you go back and remem­ber that dream, it can seem so far, far away. It is lost in the dark clouds of doubt, anx­i­ety and fear of the obscur­ing present…so that you feel as if you can­not believe in that dream…you find your­self bound­ed and eclipsed as you walk in a real­i­ty of grays and shadows…

But today, today is a day to walk upon that Rain­bow Bridge, that leaps across the span between your imag­i­na­tion and your reality…today Heav­en kiss­es the Earth as you find that your path­way of Illu­mi­na­tion is joined to the road of your Realization.

Today the Sun (your pure poten­tial to be) aligns with Nep­tune (your imag­i­na­tion and dreams) so that you can more clear­ly pierce beyond this dim-lit illu­sion, your so-called “reality”…and you rise into a greater under­stand­ing, rejoic­ing in your time­less one­ness with all of Cre­ation. You find your hopes and dreams are indeed well-founded…for you walk the path of Cre­ation and your Dream­ing-Believ­ing is the foun­tain-source for the worlds that are yet to be.

Today is a day to cel­e­brate your Imagination…

Today is a day to believe in your Dreams…

Today you walk the path of the Creator…

You the Dream­er, dream­ing into being…

What will be, will be…

This is your time to believe…

Dream On!

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