Jupiter Square Neptune (June 25, 2012)


Here is yet anoth­er one of the “big” align­ments for 2012. This, what I wrote about it in my 2012 Forecast:

Jupiter Square Nep­tune (June 25)

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni meets up with Nep­tune in Pisces; you need to see how to bet­ter bend your grand ideas to the whis­pers of your imag­i­na­tion, dreams and spir­i­tu­al nature. Growth is good, but you need to expand rea­son­ably (and hon­est­ly). Be care­ful of deals or promis­es that sound too good to be true…they usu­al­ly are!

Jupiter rules your Beliefs, Truths and Prin­ci­ples. It is from these that you forge your attitudes…it is how you cre­ate your out­look on life. This is what deter­mines what path in life you walk upon, whether it is steep or flat, full of growth or of waiting.

Jupiter in Gem­i­ni this year draws you out through your insa­tiable curios­i­ty so that you might be bet­ter able to take delight in the won­ders of a path not yet taken…You are more eager to see what’s over there, to turn to the undis­cov­ered and look upon your world from a new perspective.

Nep­tune is hold­ing court in her Pis­cean realm of Dreams, Visions and the Imag­i­na­tion. Nep­tune rules the realm from which all your real­i­ties arise, she rules the pri­mor­dial mists, the realm of All Real­i­ty from which each lim­it­ed real­i­ty aris­es. Nep­tune rules this foun­tain-source of Cre­ation, which appears as a Void, a vast Dark­ness or to some as a Blind­ing White Light…Because it is beyond your under­stand­ing, this Greater Real­i­ty appears to you as the impon­der­able, in a form you know quite sim­ply as Chaos.

Nep­tune bestows a bend­ing ray upon Jupiter now. She gra­cious­ly chal­lenges your beliefs with a wel­come yet trou­bling reminder that things are nev­er what they appear to be. She is here to remind you that con­fu­sion and doubt are your con­stant and need­ed com­pan­ions. That your ever-spi­ral­ing growth of under­stand­ing depends upon hav­ing Faith in one thing… that you must grow beyond the lim­its you have set upon your­self at each stage of your jour­ney to the Greater Aware­ness. You must believe and yet con­tin­u­ous­ly chal­lenge your beliefs by main­tain­ing a faith that is not fixed but ever-seek­ing, ever yearn­ing to draw clos­er to a Greater Reality…

Jupiter is shaped by Nep­tune now so that what is brought into your Beliefs, what is com­bined in your Truths and Prin­ci­ples is the Grace of Humility…For you do not know what you can­not yet com­pre­hend. She reminds that when­ev­er you find your­self absolute­ly sure of what­ev­er, you should turn right around and laugh at yourself…for there is noth­ing absolute but your path of growth. At each step in your jour­ney, in each day and at each stage you pro­ceed with the illu­sion of certainty…and for a time it may hold…but even­tu­al­ly you must rise above and come to a more expan­sive and inclu­sive understanding…you must let go of the less­er and rise into the Greater Awareness…This has always been your path.

It is for this rea­son that what is req­ui­site for your greater illu­mi­na­tion is that you con­front your self-delu­sions, which were your cer­tain­ties and nec­es­sary for a stage of exis­tence to hold…but will only hold you back now from your greater life. You must go through Dis­il­lu­sion, lose your Illu­sions, in order to receive a high­er Illumination.

This is the gift that Nep­tune offers to you now…She offers the gift of Illu­mi­na­tion for which you must sac­ri­fice your less­er self, give up your more lim­it­ed Beliefs, Truths and Prin­ci­ples, for these must be offered up if you are to enter into the Hall of Won­ders and cre­ate a Life worth Living.

Nep­tune reminds you that your most impor­tant Belief is…

Yet to be discovered.

Nep­tune affirms that your most impor­tant Truth…

Is that you will con­tin­ue to Grow…Forever.

For you are Spirit…your ever-present Prin­ci­ple is simply…

To Become.

Now, bend your knee to the Won­der of Won­ders, to Isis-Nep­tune, as you offer your­self with…



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