Saturn Turns Direct (June 25, 2012)


The Lord of Real­i­ty turns direct…yes it is that time again…time to make it Real!

Sat­urn turns to make a final move through Libra as he pre­pares for his ren­dezvous with the sign of Scor­pio in Octo­ber. You get one more oppor­tu­ni­ty now to work on your rela­tion­ship pat­terns before you enter into those deep­er depths, those pro­found mys­ter­ies found in the Eighth Sign, the sign of your most pre­cious longing…Union.

For the past sev­er­al months, Sat­urn ret­ro­grade has prompt­ed you to reex­am­ine the nature of your social con­tracts from with­in, to look more close­ly at the rela­tion­ship pat­terns that you actu­al­ly con­tain with­in your­self. By hav­ing this deep­er under­stand­ing of the needs and expec­ta­tions you bring to any rela­tion­ship, you have more clar­i­ty about how you actu­al­ly cre­ate the very rela­tion­ship expe­ri­ences you have.

The only con­trol you can have, the only mas­tery pos­si­ble, is over yourself…you are always on the path towards greater self-mas­tery. If you want to change your expe­ri­ence of rela­tion­ship and so grow your rela­tion­ships, the key is always to real­ize that you must change your pat­tern­ing, which will change all your exist­ing rela­tion­ships as well as lead to all togeth­er new oppor­tu­ni­ties as well.

Now with Sat­urn direct, you can move out and apply this bet­ter under­stand­ing of your­self to the way in which you meet your beloved. You can adjust the out­ward embod­i­ment of your pat­terns of rela­tion­ship and bring new life and mean­ing to your spo­ken and unspo­ken agree­ments between your­self and all others.

You must always do this, each and every day, for your jour­ney as Spir­it requires your greater par­tic­i­pa­tion in the growth of your­self as being part of some­thing greater too. Your ascen­sion in self-under­stand­ing can only become real through a bal­anced, affirmed and glo­ri­fied rela­tion­ship to all who accom­pa­ny you upon this star­ry path of consciousness.

Turn to the Lord of Reality.…

Turn to Sat­urn, your Teacher…

Accept the truth, that you are one of the ones of the One…

That we are all related…that sep­a­ra­tion is the Great Illusion…

Say your Sacred words…

I love you”

And repeat the Ancient refrain…

I am That, I am!”

So be it.

2 thoughts on “Saturn Turns Direct (June 25, 2012)

  1. Daya Kishan Pant

    Dear Bill,
    Let me begin by dis­cov­er­ing you while brows­ing. I am try­ing to under­stand that I am one of the ones of The One.
    Have sub­scribed your Feed Burn­er mailer
    email :

  2. Daya Kishan Pant

    Dear Mr. Bill,
    May I request you to look into my astro chart based on per­son­al details giv­en below. I am cur­rent­ly pass­ing through a rough patch in life.
    Name : Daya Kis­han Pant
    DOB : 08TH March, 1951
    TOB : 0840 AM
    POB : Pilib­hit, UP, India


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