Mercury Enters Leo (June 25, 2012)


Well, that was fast…Mercury zipped through Gem­i­ni and Can­cer in just over 4 weeks! Now he enters the realm of the Lion where he will stay for over 2 months! Wow, that is a very long time in one sign…what is going on here?

Well, of course you prob­a­bly guessed it, Mer­cury is slow­ing down and get­ting ready for his next ret­ro­grade cycle, which begins on July 14 and runs until August 8. As a result, Mer­cury will stay in Leo from June 25 until August 31…So…you had bet­ter get ready for an extend­ed trip through the world of Leo-Mindedness!

While Mer­cury was in Can­cer, your thoughts were cen­tered upon your need for greater secu­ri­ty, your mind wan­dered through those echoes, those mem­o­ries of home as you found your­self dwelling upon your ever present need to be nur­tured and nur­tur­ing. You felt the pull, a draw­ing down into a re-con­nec­tion with your roots…you felt whole again and you were able to build your thoughts upon more true, sol­id and mean­ing­ful foundations…

Now you are com­ing from that hom­ing-time, from that more cen­tered place.…Now it is time to move out again, your mind is pre­pared to stretch itself in Leo…Now your mind is back in Fire, back in the realm of Ideals and it is your time to shine again! It is time to “show off” and daz­zle the room with your gift for mak­ing your point while wow­ing them too! For Mer­cury in Leo is cen­tered upon your Cre­ative spirit…this is when your mind needs to show what it can do…

For as much as you felt drawn inward, to find­ing secu­ri­ty in Can­cer, now you seek some form of out­ward con­fir­ma­tion, you need to be appre­ci­at­ed, hon­ored and loved…you need to have your designs, words and deeds to be met with the roar of the crowd, with the stand­ing ovation…This is your time to get Respect!

But there­in lies your challenge…If you approach the per­for­mance with too much appro­ba­tion, with too much need for approval (and it is not forth­com­ing), well you could be dev­as­tat­ed by that lack of approval from anoth­er (even though you just exe­cut­ed a mas­ter­piece). Or, you might ere on the side of over-compensation…if you come in with an “atti­tude”, with your ego “front and cen­ter”, you could lose your audi­ence before you’ve even started…You could under­whelm or over­whelm and fail to hit the mark and grab the prize…

The chal­lenge, as always, lies within…You must work on your self-approval, to have a belief in your own worth for oth­ers to rec­og­nize it too. If you go out “need­ing” it, des­per­ate­ly long­ing for that approval, (because you real­ly doubt your­self), well life is going to show you that you need to go back to your draw­ing board and fix yourself…For you must love your­self if you wished to be Loved.

Like­wise, if you find that “your way” is to push, shove and demand the spot­light because you “deserve it”…Oh boy, you should know that that kind of hubris is just beg­ging your dear friend neme­sis to show up and spoil your show. Life, kar­ma, again steers you back upon the mid­dle path of self-respect that is per­fect­ly found and bal­anced by your respect and appre­ci­a­tion, but most of all, by your love for every oth­er too.

The Lord of Mind is tak­ing you on an extend­ed trip…

He is Draw­ing you to your Greater Destiny.…

Mer­cury, the mes­sen­ger, ever seeks to remind you of your Truth…

That you are a Star…

Meant to be Burn­ing Bright…

You, One of count­less Ones…

In a com­pa­ny of Light!

Shine On!

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