Monthly Archives: June 2012

Sun Trine Neptune (June 23, 2012)


Dream on Dream­er…
It is your Cre­ation, after all…
For you are the Dream­mak­er, you the Dreamwalker!

You are the Dream­er-Cre­ator mov­ing through this space, mov­ing through this Real­i­ty. This world, this real­i­ty you forged before…you and count­less oth­ers helped to cre­ate these worlds long, long ago.

Some­times when you con­sid­er your beau­ti­ful vision, when you go back and remem­ber that dream, it can seem so far, far away. It is lost in the dark clouds of doubt, anx­i­ety and fear of the obscur­ing present…so that you feel as if you can­not believe in that dream…you find your­self bound­ed and eclipsed as you walk in a real­i­ty of grays and shadows…

But today, today is a day to walk upon that Rain­bow Bridge, that leaps across the span between your imag­i­na­tion and your reality…today Heav­en kiss­es the Earth as you find that your path­way of Illu­mi­na­tion is joined to the road of your Realization.

Today the Sun (your pure poten­tial to be) aligns with Nep­tune (your imag­i­na­tion and dreams) so that you can more clear­ly pierce beyond this dim-lit illu­sion, your so-called “reality”…and you rise into a greater under­stand­ing, rejoic­ing in your time­less one­ness with all of Cre­ation. You find your hopes and dreams are indeed well-founded…for you walk the path of Cre­ation and your Dream­ing-Believ­ing is the foun­tain-source for the worlds that are yet to be.

Today is a day to cel­e­brate your Imagination…

Today is a day to believe in your Dreams…

Today you walk the path of the Creator…

You the Dream­er, dream­ing into being…

What will be, will be…

This is your time to believe…

Dream On!

Sun Enters Cancer — Summer Begins (June 20, 2012)


The Wheel of Life turns…Your next chap­ter begins…And you pause, and you ponder…where does your sto­ry take you now, what realm of life, what dis­cov­er­ies and what won­ders await, and what life lessons do you face on the path ahead…what waits for you beyond this threshold?

You have come to anoth­er crossing…you are back again at one of the four great turn­ing points in the year…For each sea­son begins with a release, each quar­ter starts in one of the four Sacred Elements…and each sea­son starts with a Car­di­nal sign, a sign of beginnings.

You began the year 3 months ago in Fire, as you moved into the greater aware­ness of your Pres­ence…You then moved into Earth, going with­in your­self to embrace more tru­ly what you have, to make real your Val­ue. Final­ly, you entered Air, mov­ing out again to extend your under­stand­ing of the worlds around you, rev­el­ing in your most pre­cious gift of Intel­li­gence.

So you won­der, what now, what is this sen­sa­tion that you feel? Well it is exact­ly that! Because now you begin again, now you move into Water, now you move through the won­drous realm of Feel­ing. You move inward again, to seek for your Center…You need to bring all of your­self togeth­er now, you need to feel Whole, to be con­nect­ed with­in and with­out by an ener­gy that words can nev­er describe…and your turn to where it all began…you bring your­self Home.

Can­cer rules your Foundations…Cancer rules your Roots. You need to feel that you are part of some­thing greater, that you come from some­where, that you belong to something…and that this makes your life mean­ing­ful. You plant your feet firm­ly upon this path you share with those who trav­el with you, your Fam­i­ly, your Friends and you give and receive for one another…because…because you Care…For you are Spir­it, and you care for one another.

You nour­ish your­self by con­nect­ing with your past and you nour­ish oth­ers by car­ing for them here and now. You take your com­fort, you find your peace­ful place, in the feel­ing that you are you, whole and com­plete, cen­tered upon your truer self. Yet you are also you because you are one of count­less ones, who trav­el with­in a great jour­ney of light, of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it, seek­ing to Know and Feel and Will into being the very Real­i­ty that is this, your Universe.

You are you because you belong to one anoth­er and you jour­ney togeth­er to a great, great destiny…You nur­ture your­self, you nur­ture one another…You Care for One Another…You are Cared for.

It is time, time to come home…

It is time to remem­ber, where you come from…

It is time to Stand upon your Rock of Ages…

As you look to the Stars…as you look upon your Destiny…

It is time, it is time…

To Come Home!


New Moon in Gemini (June 19, 2012)

Around Mid­night June 20–23, 2012

Well this is Special…Two New Moons in Gem­i­ni! On May 20, the Sun entered Gem­i­ni and there was a New Moon on that very same day as well.

Now you get a sec­ond release of Gem­in­ian inspi­ra­tion, per­haps you should see your­self mov­ing through anoth­er Por­tal, (but this time it is a “Por­tal of Depar­ture” from the Airy realm of Gem­i­ni). The Sun slips into the Water sign of Can­cer tomor­row, the sign that rules your Home and your Origins…and life offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to give a hearty wel­come to a whole new sea­son of your life!

The fun­ny thing about a New Moon is that for you, here on Earth, the expe­ri­ence is one of mov­ing into a time of dark­ness, you expe­ri­ence the Moon’s presence…by her absence. That is because the Sun and Moon are in the same part of space dur­ing a New Moon, and so when the Sun sets so does the Moon…there is “no Moon” for you to see. But those Star­ry Heav­ens above stand revealed in all their glo­ry for you…and at this time of year it is a very spe­cial sight indeed!

This dark­ness con­tains a Great Light…it is a won­drous revelation…This Light shin­ing in the dark­ness pro­vides you with a very spe­cial and excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty. Six months ago, I wrote about the Sun pass­ing over that point in space around which every­thing in our galaxy piv­ots, the Galac­tic Cen­ter. Tonight (and for sev­er­al nights to come), you will have a most won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to look up at the sky and gaze upon that Galac­tic Cen­ter itself!

Prob­a­bly the best time is around 12 to 1 am when it is most high. By fac­ing south and look­ing up you will see splashed across your field of vision what has been called “The Milky Way”, which is formed by all the stars and gas­es between you on Earth and the Galac­tic Cen­ter. You will see a non-blink­ing “Star” to your right, which is actu­al­ly the plan­et Sat­urn set­ting in the West. By look­ing to its left and up just a lit­tle, you will notice that the Milky Way is most “thick” and “brighter” there…and that is the Galac­tic Center…your home.

For ages upon ages ago, you and every oth­er being in this cos­mos emerged from that point to begin a great journey…You came from this “Cen­tral Star”, stream­ing forth with all your fel­low trav­el­ers upon this great adven­ture of Life-Con­scious­ness-Spir­it. You, and every­one and every­thing in this galaxy are sparks of this one Divine Cen­ter, each and every one a con­scious­ness cen­ter, whirling through Time and Space as you unfold your potential…as you Cre­ate Real­i­ty and rise to a Greater Understanding.

So, go out tonight and gaze up in won­der and in awe…

For before you is your home, before you is your destiny…

You came from the Stars…

You are made of the Stars…

Your destiny…is to become a Star.

Shine On!


Sun Trine Saturn (June 13, 2012)


Six­ty days, that is how long it has been…that is how far you have come since you had your last encounter, your last great Reck­on­ing with Saturn…

But today is a dif­fer­ent kind of day, today the Sun meets Sat­urn in a beau­ti­ful trine aspect and all is good in the world, all is right between your High­er Self and You, between your Poten­tial (Sun) and your Real­i­ty (Sat­urn).

Back in April, you faced one of the four turn­ings. You came to one of the four car­di­nal cross­ing points that prod and poke you towards a greater under­stand­ing, that make you see how much space there is between your dream of your­self and your reality…and often, at such times, you can feel that there is a far, far span that lies before you still…

But today is dif­fer­ent, today you can see that your gap has closed, your dream a lit­tle clos­er, your pos­si­bil­i­ties are becom­ing probabilities…yes, you just might make it! Today, the uni­verse pro­vides encour­age­ment, by remind­ing you that your lim­its are only tem­po­rary, that they are more often than not self-imposed, but very nec­es­sary for your growth too.

For that is the nature of embod­i­ment, of man­i­fest­ing your dreams, of cre­at­ing your real­i­ty. Mov­ing from the Ide­al, unfold­ing your Dream into Real­i­ty, always involves lim­i­ta­tions as you move from the plane of Mind to the realm of Earth…but this also cre­ates your Realizations…that with­out the lim­its and lessons you encounter, with­out these you would not grow.

Today you find more com­fort­ing con­fir­ma­tion, as the ever-unfold­ing Real­i­ty more tru­ly reflects the ever-reveal­ing Ide­al you imag­ined, that the choic­es you made to lim­it your Self have cre­at­ed a new real­iza­tion for your Self.

Today you glide along, between Heav­en and Earth…

You are the bridge between what was and what might be…

Today, you are the Dreamer…you the Dream to be.

Mercury Square Uranus & Mercury Opposite Pluto (June 11, 2012)


Her­mes crossed into Can­cer 4 days ago, greet­ed by a beau­ti­ful caress from Nep­tune in the sis­ter Water sign of Pisces…Now Mer­cury (your mind) faces a more daunt­ing prospect…Today, not one but two out­er plan­ets bring their atten­tions to bear upon your point of view…and they will not be denied!

Ear­li­er today Mer­cury runs into Uranus whose ener­gies impel you towards a freer, more open and eclec­tic atti­tude of mind. Uranus push­es Mer­cury to extend your mind beyond your ordi­nary assumptions…Those assump­tions have been focused late­ly upon mat­ters close to home. While in Can­cer Mer­cury seeks to bring you back to the cen­ter of your life, to your thought­ful-feel­ings of fam­i­ly, home, eth­nic­i­ty and all those ele­ments that will always con­nect you to your roots…

Uranus, usu­al­ly through some shock or sur­prise, seeks to chal­lenge your secu­ri­ty and roots now, so that you might see, which roots are true and which you should let go. You dis­cov­er what parts of your fam­i­ly or cul­ture res­onate for you and which do not. The fuller release of your indi­vid­u­al­i­ty depends upon this, this cen­ter­ing upon your truth, which comes through this cleav­ing to what is true and let­ting go of what is less true for you.

Those shocks and releas­es, that would be enough on any day…but the Uni­verse is build­ing up to the “Big Event”, Uranus Square Plu­to lat­er this month, and so after depart­ing Uranus Mer­cury runs right into the third of the out­er plan­ets, the Lord of Will and Bound­aries, Plu­to. What does this mean for you?

Mer­cury in Can­cer is seek­ing for the Cen­ter, div­ing to con­nect to the root of what­ev­er mat­ters to you so that you can feel whole and com­plete. Plu­to stands oppo­site in Capri­corn, bring­ing pres­sure to bear, with which to pull or push you. Plu­to’s influ­ence will appear to come from with­out, from some oth­er who is try­ing to either pull you to their cen­ter or push you off yours. You may feel you must give in or give way, or even to push back to prove your way…but the truth is you should see the oppor­tu­ni­ty that is here before you.

Plu­to’s chal­lenge is a gift, it is here to remind you to always hon­or and keep whole the sacred­ness of your space, as you equal­ly must hon­or the sacred space of every oth­er too. That when­ev­er you find your­self in some sort of strug­gle with anoth­er, a bat­tle of wills over points of view, beliefs or principles…that you under­stand that the real strug­gle, the real bat­tle will always be with your­self. For the only con­trol you must have and need is Self-Control!

The chal­lenge is to main­tain your cen­ter, to secure your sacred space…and to real­ize that this encounter has pro­vid­ed the very means by which you will more clear­ly feel, secure and hon­or what is more true to you. You will see what is tru­ly at your core because of this strug­gle, and that this is more than you ever could have achieved on your own.

Uranus shocks you…to free your mind…

Plu­to pres­sures you…to pre­serve your sacred space…

Togeth­er they steer and guide your Consciousness.…

Ever onward…To your Greater Understanding!