Monthly Archives: June 2012

Jupiter Enters Gemini (June 11, 2012)


Your path­way of growth turns in a new direc­tion, your life expands into new dimen­sions as Jupiter makes his move into Gem­i­ni. Here is what I wrote about this in my year­ly forecast:

Jupiter Enters Gem­i­ni (June 11)

The biggest plan­et “hops over the prover­bial can­dle­stick” (again and again), as it moves through the sign of nim­ble­ness, intel­li­gence and com­mu­ni­ca­tion. The over­all ener­gy lev­el (thoughts, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and actions) will expand great­ly, but you will need to work on try­ing to main­tain direc­tion­al­i­ty and focus. Advances will be made in all forms of net­work­ing, and indi­vid­u­als and groups will have access to more and more infor­ma­tion. The ques­tion will be: “Do we real­ly have more under­stand­ing or are we mere­ly becom­ing more distracted”?

Jupiter is mov­ing from Earth to Air, from expand­ing the under­stand­ing of your Val­ue to stretch­ing the under­stand­ing of your Mind. Dur­ing this past year, while Jupiter played in the Gar­dens of Tau­rus, you had numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op your appre­ci­a­tion of your self-worth. You deep­ened the con­nec­tions to your true source of val­ue, your ever-unfold­ing poten­tial that pours forth from with­in, from your Self.

Jove’s shift into Gem­i­ni draws you into his world of mar­velous mul­ti­plic­i­ties, a daz­zling array of new oppor­tu­ni­ties await you for the com­ing year. Your growth will take the form of greater under­stand­ings and more com­plex and wider con­nec­tions. Jupiter’s pas­sage through Air favors all forms of intel­lec­tu­al inspi­ra­tion as you more eas­i­ly form more mean­ing­ful con­nec­tions with­in your mind and in the world around you. Ques­tions and puz­zles that seemed beyond res­o­lu­tion will be resolved in the light of Greater Under­stand­ing. Your spir­it will soar as you push back the bound­aries and explore wider spaces…

As always with Jupiter, be cir­cum­spect with your new-found enthusiasms…You need to remain mind­ful that too much of any­thing is, well, Too Much! Enjoy the surge of ener­gies cours­ing through you…but it is up to you to bring them to bear and main­tain your focus. You cer­tain­ly can expand from one into many activ­i­ties and direc­tions, but remem­ber that there comes a point where you dis­perse your ener­gies over­much and your poten­tial for real growth is wast­ed in the hubris of your every and all…

Cel­e­brate your New Cycle of Growth…

Let the Winds of the Spir­it car­ry you through the Por­tal of Gemini…

You are ris­ing to the challenge…ever onward to your opportunities!

You, now filled with awe, as you behold the Won­ders of your Universe!

Mercury Trine Neptune (June 8, 2012)


Today is a day for Dreamers…Today is a day for Beauty…

Today is a day for Love…

Her­mes is just begin­ning to enjoy his new Watery home, and lo and behold, of all the fel­low trav­el­ers he could encounter in your star­ry space, who is there to bestow bless­ings today…It is the Lord Nep­tune, the mighty Ruler of the Seas, who greets him from her own Watery realm of Pisces! Okay pil­grim, it is time for a lit­tle mag­ic, time to turn that think­ing cap into your Dream­ing Wonder!

Your mind is uplift­ed by the whis­pers from beyond…perceptions shift as you pierce through the veil of the ordi­nary and dis­cov­er worlds with­in worlds…Intimations of your immor­tal­i­ty are felt through Song and Dance, Paint­ing and Sculp­ture and the eyes of the beloved before you…

Enjoy the goose bumps as you con­nect to the Spir­it with­in and around you too…Even for a moment, you will feel it, The One…and you are one of the ones of the ONE!

So get up…Dance, Sing…go to a muse­um, for a walk in a cathe­dral of trees, climb that moun­tain path, or sit your­self down in your sacred space…it is all good!

Today you are Spirit…and the Divine is calling!

Today you are a Creator…Life your canvas!

Today you are Lovely…pass it on!

Sun Squares Mars (June 7, 2012)


Today…that is lat­er today, it will be a lit­tle difficult…You find that your actions do not always take you to your intentions…it seems as if the Uni­verse has anoth­er des­ti­na­tion in mind for you. You can try, you can push hard­er, but trust me the Uni­verse is big­ger than you are!

Today, tonight you might find that you, and every­one else, are all a lit­tle more irri­ta­ble because of mount­ing frus­tra­tions. You and any oth­er are more prone to anger…but usu­al­ly (as always, in the end) the true source of your trou­ble is your anger with your­self. Where does all this obstruc­tion, frus­tra­tion and anger come from?

The Sun in Gem­i­ni is putting all your ener­gy behind the pure expe­ri­ence of new diver­sions. Delight­ing in more stim­u­la­tion, more dis­cov­er­ies, more inputs…It does not mat­ter what for, the point is to extend your­self into as many direc­tions as human­ly possible…It is the “Jack be Nim­ble, Jack be Quick” time of year. That is all well and good, for this serves to devel­op your fac­ul­ty of Intelligence…your curios­i­ty, inge­nu­ity and adaptability…All essen­tial qual­i­ties you need and should strive for!

Mars comes along now with a reminder; Mars lays down a more cau­tion­ary message…Mars is in Vir­go and stands here for the prin­ci­ple of Mean­ing­ful Actions and Order. What­ev­er draws your atten­tion, what­ev­er you wish to pursue…well, there has to be, in the end, a prac­ti­cal rea­son for that, some­thing applic­a­ble, some­thing use­ful and not mere­ly amus­ing or stimulating…Mars in Vir­go stands upon the path to steer your Nimbleness…into Adeptness.

The Uni­verse, Spir­it, is always seek­ing to help you find your way along the path to greater ful­fill­ment, to draw you on and out in your unfold­ing, won­drous jour­ney of Growth. When­ev­er you move too far along a cer­tain path of Motivation/Action, the Uni­verse comes in with a reminder to get back to your cen­ter, to walk that mid­dle road of Bal­ance and Integration.

The chal­lenge today, the chal­lenge every day, is to stay on the path where you endeav­or to employ your con­stel­la­tion of sen­si­bil­i­ties and tal­ents in a har­mo­nious Cho­rus, each and every fac­ul­ty bal­anced with and for one anoth­er. Rather than act­ing at cross pur­pos­es, and becom­ing cross with your­self, you must become the Lord of all you have and har­ness your pow­ers to your ever-spi­ral­ing path­way of Growth…

Be Nim­ble, be Quick…

But be Hum­ble and Patient too.

You are on the path…

The path­way to becom­ing an Adept.

Mercury Enters Cancer (June 7, 2012)


Her­mes has only been in Gem­i­ni for 2 weeks and what a ride it was! Twist­ing and turn­ing, enjoy­ing every moment of his delight­ful dis­cov­er­ies, danc­ing from facet to facet, see­ing in those reflec­tions many mul­ti­ple mul­ti­plic­i­ties, being cap­ti­vat­ed by the curi­ous­ly divert­ing, those myr­i­ad life views…Mercury looks fond­ly back at his quick ride through his native sign as he slides his way into Cancer.

He is mov­ing a lit­tle slow­er now, tak­ing a lit­tle more time, time to take in this realm of Water. Mer­cury in Can­cer brings you to his enfold­ing, won­drous palace of feeling-thoughts.…This is where your pure mind or thought-ways become infused with the nuanced res­o­nance of your feelings…This is where your com­mu­ni­ca­tions become mod­u­lat­ed by your emotions…Yes, it is that time again, time to con­sid­er life from a more sen­si­tive point of view.

Your mind can either rise up or be dragged down­wards by this encounter with your emo­tion­al self…Loving, car­ing thoughts will help you to con­nect to oth­ers in a more elo­quent manner…Your mean­ings and mes­sages will be under­stood more deeply and res­onate more tru­ly. You will con­nect in that deep­er, truer way to your world.

Trou­bled or dis­turb­ing thoughts will cre­ate dis­con­nects between your­self and any other…No mat­ter how rea­soned your rea­sons, no mat­ter how sound your proofs, your mes­sage will be met with deaf ears because that bridge of feel­ings, that con­nects you to one anoth­er, that bridge will not span the gulf between I and thou.

This meet­ing-meld­ing of your thoughts and feel­ings, that is what is required here…you need to be the Weaver at your Sacred Loom of Integration…where the warp of your Mind is drawn through the weave of your Heart…

For when you do this, you cre­ate a more per­fect bal­ance, Mind­ful­ness and Consideration…

You think from your Heart…You feel with your Mind…

You are Thought­ful and Kind.

Yes, yes you are…

You are That!

Venus Conjunct Sun (June 5, 2012)


Venus cross­es the face of the Sun…And what a won­der She is to behold! The beau­ty and majesty of your fam­i­ly of plan­ets is so won­drous­ly revealed in her grace­ful cross­ing of the Solar Disc…A won­drous reminder that we are all relat­ed, all part of a great fam­i­ly of Being, of Light-Bearers…Her dance across the Cen­ter of your Space is just sim­ply Beautiful!

Venus has reached the halfway point in her ret­ro­grade cycle, the moment when she aligns with the Sun to receive the gift she has been seek­ing, an answer to her ques­tion, which is your ques­tion too…about Beau­ty and Love.

This time, this meet­ing of the Self (Sun) and Val­ue (Venus) is special…this time she makes a very rare align­ment with the Earth and Sun so that she will lit­er­al­ly pass before the face of the Sun…This time you will see Venus kiss the Sun for you!

You have been wait­ing for this, oh yes, yes you have…Since May 15 you have been on a jour­ney, seek­ing the answer to a most impor­tant question:

Am I Loved?”

Venus bends her way back over the Sun seek­ing the answer, she returns to the source, to the Foun­tain-Source of the ener­gies of your Home System…and the Sun has her Answer, the Sun has your Answer…

Of course, of course my lit­tle ones…you are loved…for you are LOVE…”

The Sun, like an Avatar of the Cen­tral Sun, to whom you are linked through your own High­er Self, the Sun reminds you…That you (and Venus) and all the oth­er count­less con­scious­ness cen­ters unfold­ing with­in this Uni­verse are all part of a great shin­ing host.

You are the self-beam­ing sparks of the one Divine Light. Your val­ue, your self-worth is beyond any instru­ment or num­ber­ing sys­tem to measure…This won­drous jour­ney that you are upon, this lumi­nous spi­ral­ing pro­ces­sion of Con­scious­ness, this descent into mat­ter and through the spaces of space, is so that you may bring forth from with­in, the won­der that is Cre­ation. You unfold from with­in the Light Divine so that you may make ever more Con­scious, ever more Lumi­nous, the won­der that is your Universe.

You do this, lit­tle by lit­tle, but more and more, by align­ing your Self with your High­er Self, by join­ing with your Beloved. Through your more per­fect union you are able to release more of the Light Divine, the Light that you already have with­in you.

Look at Venus and the Sun, they are singing to you…You are love…you are loved!

Now more tru­ly aligned with your Self, as Venus so beau­ti­ful­ly reminds you with her dance across the Sun, you will place your­self more firm­ly upon the path that will bring you to the Sacred Three. It is by these pow­ers, through your Lumi­nous Mind, Uncon­di­tion­al Love and a Cen­tered Will, it is by these sacred three that you find your way to your prop­er place as a con­scious Co-Cre­ator of this Cosmos.

What Venus receives today is what you know in your heart…

That you are Beautiful…That you are Love…

Turn and gaze with won­der at your Universe…

Turn and look at your Creation…

And Smile!