Monthly Archives: June 2012

Neptune Retrograde & Venus Squares Mars (June 4, 2012)


As if a Full Moon Eclipse were not enough on the Moon’s day (Mon­day), you also are feel­ing the effects of two oth­er pow­er­ful mes­sages today. Nep­tune turns ret­ro­grade until Novem­ber 10…and Venus bumps into Mars…the day before she “kiss­es” the Sun on Tues­day. That is tru­ly a spe­cial day, a day when Venus will put on a lit­er­al­ly once in a life­time show by pass­ing in front of the Sun for you! Wow, there is a lot going on here!

The influ­ence of Nep­tune mov­ing “back­wards”, as in all ret­ro­grade bod­ies, is to bring into greater focus the gift of Nep­tune’s ener­gies, help­ing you to go beyond the ordi­nary in your search for Spir­i­tu­al Under­stand­ing. Remem­ber, any plan­et mov­ing ret­ro­grade increas­es in strength as its ener­gies align to focus upon your more sub­tle inner nature.

Nep­tune is said to rule your most pre­cious fac­ul­ty of Imag­i­na­tion, your mar­velous gift of Dream­ing which is your touch­stone to be at one with the nev­er-end­ing jour­ney that is Creation…Neptune rules your Pow­er to be an Imagineer.

You encounter this world as it IS…It is a “fact” for you. It is a world which you played both ancient and more recent roles in mak­ing it into what it is…You encounter this Real­i­ty and you dream of some­thing more, some­thing greater, some­thing better…

This is what dri­ves Cre­ation, the urge of Spir­it, of your Spir­it, to become, to real­ize itself by unfold­ing with count­less oth­er sparks of the Divine your Mind, Love and Will…and in and through that very unfold­ment you are Dream­er dream­ing Creation.

Nep­tune turn­ing ret­ro­grade leads you into the mys­tery of the cos­mos which though seem­ing­ly sur­round­ing you lies in your heart of hearts too. The mys­tery of mys­ter­ies is that you are a Spark of the Divine whose Cen­ter is every­where and whose cir­cum­fer­ence is nowhere.

Let Nep­tune take you now beyond the Veil of Isis into the deep­er mys­ter­ies of you…



Mean­while, clos­er to your home on Earth, Venus is get­ting ready for her big show on Tues­day as she encoun­ters Mars who has a mes­sage for her, a mes­sage that you must heed.

Venus is also con­tin­u­ing her own ret­ro­grade jour­ney, await­ing the gift the Sun is about to impart to her. She is trip­ping through her realm of val­ues, of beau­ty and love, tak­ing her delights in the deli­cious­ly divert­ing vari­eties of appre­ci­a­tions that Gem­i­ni bestows (and encourages).

Mars offers a shap­ing hand from the realms of Virgo…Diversions and con­trari­ness are all fine and good says Mars, but at the end of the day do your sen­si­bil­i­ties and appre­ci­a­tions lead to greater value…do they bring you to a more peace­ful place…do they work?

Mars is bring­ing a reminder to Venus that though there is much you will gain from an open appre­ci­a­tion for the infi­nite vari­a­tions life has to offer, it is not enough. If you mere­ly enjoy or amuse your­self by per­pet­u­al­ly remain­ing in that state of stim­u­lat­ing dis­trac­tions and spi­ral­ing diver­sions, you will inevitably cre­ate the oppo­site of beauty…you will end up in a place of ugli­ness, you end up with Disorder.

Mars is remind­ing Venus that your jour­ney through diver­si­ty is there to enrich your under­stand­ing. Then you can bring back, inte­grate and so form this into a more com­plete, mean­ing­ful and whole life for your­self. Your jour­ney through the many forms is so that you can see the beau­ty in the parts but also find a way to make it and your­self whole too.

Mars reminds Venus that the most pre­cious val­ue is to be at peace…

Your most pre­cious gift is to have Peace of Mind.

Full Moon in Sagittarius-Lunar Eclipse (June 4, 2012)


World Invo­ca­tion Day

You passed through a por­tal two weeks ago, skip­ping into the Airy Realm of Gem­i­ni where your intel­lect soars and swoops to solve the many puz­zles of life…Now comes your moment of rev­e­la­tion, the mean­ing behind the mes­sage of what that New Moon bestowed is now upon you…And it is going to be quite a Rev­e­la­tion indeed!

For just as the New Moon was an annu­lar Solar Eclipse, this Full Moon is a par­tial Lunar Eclipse, with only part of the shad­ow of the Earth falling upon the Moon as she pass­es Earth (while we have the Sun “behind” us, so to speak). There is always a spe­cial mean­ing with­in the mes­sage when­ev­er there is an eclipse…

What does this Full Moon reveal…and what is that more occult mes­sage car­ried by that mys­te­ri­ous shad­owed Moon?

The “ordi­nary” mes­sage of a Full Moon in Sagit­tar­ius reminds you that your delight­ful romp in those diver­si­fy­ing and divert­ing realms of Gem­i­ni can lead you into such com­pli­cat­ed intel­lec­tu­al con­struc­tions that you are like­ly to become lost in the maze of your own men­tal path­ways. Yes, it is true, that there are many points of view, many ways that you could approach the myr­i­ad ques­tions that life presents to you…Some are sim­pler, some more elegant…some pro­found, many less so…

The greater ques­tion must even­tu­al­ly arise: How, how can you know what is more “True”?

And so you turn, you turn and Face the Center…you turn towards Sagit­tar­ius which lies where the Cen­ter of our Galaxy is…You seek for some­thing that res­onates as Ever-true, Ever­last­ing, Eternal…You turn to Spir­it, you turn towards your home…and you ask “WHY”?

But today the answer comes wrapped with­in anoth­er puzzle…for the Earth­’s shad­ow cross­es over the rev­e­la­tion of Greater Mean­ing and you are amazed by its beau­ty, but con­fused by the Mes­sage from the Empyrean.

Do not be troubled…understand that it is Earth who casts this shad­ow. It means that you (like every­one else) get in your own way, because of how dis­tract­ed your life can become, cap­tured by the fas­ci­na­tions of this real­i­ty you move in…You may not be able to hear the Greater Mes­sage that is there for you…Your High­er self is try­ing to help you to lift that veil, but you remain too enam­ored, too caught up in the myr­i­ad delights of this low­er realm…

What can you do?

Well, actu­al­ly you can do a lot, for your­self and every­one else too…For today is called World Invo­ca­tion Day. It is a day (as should be every­day!) that you and many oth­ers can turn and look up into the awe­some Vast­ness, into the Spaces of Space around you and equal­ly turn to the Sacred Cen­ter which is with­in you and silent­ly, rev­er­ent­ly speak the words which mil­lions will sing out on this most sacred day of Revelation:



From the point of Light with­in the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into human minds.

Let Light descend on Earth.


From the point of Love with­in the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into human hearts.

May the Com­ing One return to Earth.


From the Cen­tre where the Will of God is known

Let pur­pose guide all lit­tle human wills -

The pur­pose which the Mas­ters know and serve.


From the Cen­tre which we call the human race

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.


Let Light and Love and Pow­er restore the Plan on Earth.

Mercury Trine Saturn (June 3, 2012)


Your inquis­i­tive, rest­less Mind finds a stead­ier focus today…Saturn brings a wel­come mea­sure of grav­i­tas to the youth­ful enthu­si­asms of Mer­cury skip­ping through Gemini.

The most won­drous gift of Her­mes in Gem­i­ni is your remark­able capac­i­ty known as Intelligence…It is the gift of your mind’s facile adapt­abil­i­ty, nim­ble quick­ness and insa­tiable curios­i­ty that cre­ates your capac­i­ty for tack­ling the nev­er-end­ing chal­lenges that you encounter on your path.

But that very gift can some­times cre­ate its own set of challenges…of con­trari­ness, rest­less­ness and dis­trac­tion. Today’s beau­ti­ful align­ment of Mer­cury and Sat­urn pro­vides a wel­come teth­er between your over eager low­er mind and your pur­pose­ful sense of responsibility.

You can take your delights in the joy found through Mer­cury’s open-mind­ed approach while also dis­play­ing the prac­ti­cal atten­tive­ness that sees the mat­ter brought to a suc­cess­ful out­come. Rather than a wit who is mere­ly whim­si­cal, you dis­play the gift of intel­li­gent bril­liance that shines for posterity.

Today is a day for quick yet deep­er thinking…

Today you are a steady Shin­ing Star…the shad­ows will give way…

You are the Youth­ful One…and The Ancient of Days…

As you walk the razor’s edge, between the Dark­ness and the Light.