Monthly Archives: July 2012

Full Moon in Aquarius (August 1, 2012)


The Moon comes around again, arch­ing over to the “far­ther side” of Earth…she stands in that “out­er space”, lean­ing away from the Sun…Whenever she moves out there, she is out­side of Earth­’s orbit, beyond that cir­cled inner realm you call home, float­ing in the vast­ness of the greater beyond.

You look at Luna, she beck­ons to you now…She’s arch­ing there, rid­ing high, “The Bright­ly Shin­ing One”, lov­ing­ly lit by the Sun’s majes­tic Aura stream­ing. For you on Earth, the Full Moon like a bea­con, as you rev­el, as you mar­vel in all her beau­ty and mys­tery. She comes in her Fullness…bearing Gifts of the Spirit…she has a mes­sage for you…

Her Aquar­ius rev­e­la­tion is just right…this Luna Moon-Beam­ing reflects back upon your Leo Need for Atten­tion now, that surge of Per­son­al­iza­tion that comes with the Sun’s sojourn in Leo. The Moon hang­ing up there reminds you, asks you…To what end are all your dra­mas, all your great works of art, your dec­la­ra­tions and feats of derring-do…to what end do you do the things that you do, what or who are they for?

Luna reminds you now, that you, the Actor, the star of the dra­ma that you call “your life”…that your life, this part that you play, this role is part of a greater life too. Your per­son­al life, your striv­ings and strut­tings, they are ever round­ed, bound­ed and thrilled through by the feel­ings and mean­ings, the shar­ings and togeth­er­ness that is made and found, root­ed and joined through the ones you jour­ney with.

For you move with­in a Sacred Company…they are your col­leagues, your com­pan­ions, your best of the best, who chose you and you choose them to be part of this life. These are your Friends, whose dreams are your dreams. For only with one anoth­er can you form the dream, live the dream, become the dream…and that is what takes you from a Star, a one try­ing to turn the tide, takes you and makes you into one of many ones joined as One…who will become the tide that changes the world…

Dance in the light of Aquarius…see Luna shin­ing brightly…

Arch­ing high, she is a Star…embraced in a sea of stars…

As you, the dream­er dreaming…journey in a com­pa­ny of dreamers…

Your life, their life…together made, as One.

Mercury Conjunct Sun (July 28, 2012)


You have been wait­ing for it…waiting for your answer…and it is Now!

And, the answer…the answer, always and ever, for­ev­er and ever, the answer is Love!

Mer­cury has been in Leo since June 25 and mov­ing ret­ro­grade since July 14. Now Mer­cury (your mind) aligns with the Sun (your Self) and an answer is here…but you need to make ready to receive it. You need to be qui­et and attentive…you need to be still with­in your­self and there­by open your sacred space to the possibility…for only then are you ready to be touched by the gift, to be lift­ed up by the Wind of the Spirit.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is your time of oppor­tu­ni­ty to review, revise and renew your under­stand­ing of your­self and your world. This peri­od­ic (thrice-year­ly) rever­sal of Con­scious­ness Force, of mind-stuff, pro­vides the means by which you are able to move out­side of your struc­tured path­ways of facts, assump­tions and points of view.

These ele­ments are need­ed and necessary…they are the very means by which you came to know the world as you do, of how you became self-aware and able to exer­cise your won­drous gift of Intel­li­gence. But your path­way is circuitous…and it is equal­ly true that you must come to see how these pris­mat­ic par­a­digms, your very own view­points have also been the source, the inher­ent cre­ators of the blind spots with­in your dim-lit, self-illu­mined world. For as much as you have turned you eye upon the world with your bright­ly-beam­ings, with your won­drous intel­li­gent illu­mi­na­tions, you have equal­ly been cre­at­ing deep­en­ing shad­ows too. You see through a glass darkly…and you do not know that you do this…and you will not and there­fore can­not under­stand what you do not perceive…

You need help, a way to move beyond or out­side of your­self. You need to find a place upon which to stand and see what lies beyond your self-cast shad­ows, you need to leave this hall of mir­rors that you made. So Mercury/Hermes, the Mes­sen­ger of the Gods, he answers the call, he does his part. He turns around to stir The Waters…he breaks the sur­face still­ness and shows you the refract­ed, mir­rored world through which you move…Yes it was real for you, but lim­it­ed, shad­owed and bounded…bounded by you.

Her­mes reveals oth­er points of view, he shows you oth­er pris­mat­ic per­spec­tives, dif­fer­ent path­ways of perception…and you can move into a greater aware­ness, you may be able to con­sid­er the pos­si­bil­i­ty of anoth­er way of understanding…and you will Grow. You are able to bet­ter com­pre­hend the per­spec­tive of another…and your Com­pas­sion wax­es so that you can draw clos­er to one another…You move along the path­way of Knowl­edge and approach the Halls of Wisdom…

Dur­ing this ret­ro­grade, in this re-turn­ing/­tun­ing of your mind, Mer­cury has danced to the song of Leo. You have been seek­ing to bet­ter under­stand how Leo can help or, if you mis­per­ceive, hin­der your under­stand­ing of your­self and your world…and, giv­en the over-long sojourn that Mer­cury has made here, there has been much to learn or re-learn this time around it seems…

The answer you have sought is here for you today…are you ready? Mer­cury has offered up a greater under­stand­ing about your mind as gov­erned by Leo, by your need for appre­ci­a­tion, respect and approval…by your need for LOVE.

More often than you might like to admit, you may fall into error because you have a point of view that you feel you must uphold and defend, (even if you have your own mis­giv­ings or doubts about it), you hold firm because to admit that you were incor­rect or wrong would be embar­rass­ing to you. So…you hold when you should yield, you dig in when you should give way and the pain you cre­ate is equal to the pain that you will face lat­er on…for that is the law, that is Karma.

But Her­mes shows you the way through these shad­owed path­ways of the low­er self, of your ego…for the true Leo way is the path­way of Love and Under­stand­ing. That rather than see­ing your view as the one and only, the one true way, you extend and encom­pass through your High­er Self the Uncon­di­tion­al Love that links one and all, you extend your Self as you embrace the oth­er before you whom you love as you love yourself…

And it is this greater under­stand­ing, to love the oth­er as one­self, which leads to the break­ing down of your more lim­it­ed views as you blend or incor­po­rate a more inclu­sive view with and through the oth­er, as they do like­wise through you. For this is the truth of it, what stands before you is a spark of the Divine, the Self-Same source as your Divine Flame, and for this rea­son you are held togeth­er in the all-encom­pass­ing Love of this One Divine Spir­it, for­ev­er and always…

Your answer is now…let go of Pride and Fear.

Your answer is within…listen to your High­er Self.

Your answer is LOVE…let it shine, let it shine…

See the shad­ows fade away…as you Shine!

Mercury Trine Uranus (July 25, 2012)


Brilliance…Genius…that is what this means…pure Genius!

You meet today with the sec­ond gift from Hermes…you move from the expan­sive gifts of Jupiter to the unfet­tered paths that lie beyond Sat­urn’s rings…you walk the Halls of Wis­dom with Uranus by your side…

When found in a Natal chart, this aspect indi­cates that the indi­vid­ual in ques­tion has a mar­velous capac­i­ty to think freely, to tran­scend the nor­mal bound­aries of con­ven­tion­al truth. They are endowed with the means to move beyond…into the realms of a high­er con­scious­ness and so begin to espy, to make a clos­er approach to what is called true Wis­dom or Cos­mic Consciousness.

Today you will have a brush with your destiny…For you are graced by this gift of the Spir­it as it quick­ens what lies with­in you, waiting…it is a pre­view of where you will reside once you have passed through these nec­es­sary but low­er realms. You must pass through these schools of Intel­li­gence, Thought and Rea­son, as you make your­self ready to approach the Halls of True Enlightenment…

Freed from the con­ven­tion­al, even for a brief moment, you can see the world and the prob­lems con­fronting you in a clear­er light. The old assump­tions, which cast their shad­ows, which formed your self-made lim­its to a more com­plete under­stand­ing, those phan­toms melt away as you look upon the issue (and the oth­er before you) with your Self-Lumi­nous Vision.

You are lift­ed up…you taste that sweet fra­grance from a high­er plane of con­scious­ness where all is new, where there is the eter­nal now, the ever-present, where you will always find your Burn­ing Bright, your Watch­er. You reach that van­tage point from which to view the mat­ter with­out the heavy weight of con­ven­tion­al lim­its, beyond your his­to­ry of regrets and fears…you are freer!

Today is a day to think beyond…to solve the puzzle…to touch the deep­er mind and grace the heart of the oth­er before you…

Today you can let go of the less­er and dis­cov­er the greater…for it has always been wait­ing with­in you…

Your High­er Self, you Know­ing Self, always there…patiently, lov­ing­ly inspir­ing you as you jour­ney upon your path…

To know yourself…to know your world…

Today you will reach within…

and you will touch the Stars!

Mercury Sextile Jupiter (July 24, 2012)


Today is a day for clear think­ing, today is a day to make your point!

Mer­cury as Her­mes, delight­ing in his role as the Mes­sen­ger, is weav­ing a web between Jupiter today and then Uranus tomor­row. He is help­ing to make avail­able, to bring togeth­er and deliv­er on the promise of that Jupiter/Uranus align­ment from this past weekend…

Today Mer­cury gets an assist from Jupiter and you are able to give (or to receive) rea­son­able advice. You will under­stand your own mind bet­ter and form a deep­er more mean­ing­ful con­nec­tion with the oth­er too…

Found­ed upon this, upon more expan­sive and inclu­sive per­spec­tives, your aims and means, your rea­son­ings and deci­sions will span the divide between I and thou…and you will smile.

Today you will under­stand one anoth­er, bet­ter than before!

For a gift is offered that lifts your awareness.…so that

The shad­ow that fell between I and thou, is part­ed for a while…

You see the veil is lift­ed, reveal­ing won­ders all around…

Today is a good day!

And you will smile…

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2012)


Your year­ly rhyth­mic sweep­ing arc is turn­ing again, radi­at­ing forth in Spir­it-born ener­gies. Your Spi­ral jour­ney forms into the Twelve Sta­tions of Life set by your Star. Today, that awe­some Solar Life-Force comes home. The return of the Sun to Leo turns your atten­tion outwards…it is time for your Debut…Time to take your act out there. It is time to move upon a greater stage!

You need, you must…you will stretch your­self! You will reach out from your new­found Cen­ter and move with greater con­fi­dence into those daz­zling spot­lights of your life…you must release that truer you, the Bet­ter you that was met and secured in your Can­cer sojourn…

You have left the Waters and now re-enter Fire’s realm. You turn from how you feel to the bring­ing forth through Emo­tion.…you are draw­ing-pour­ing-shap­ing those feel­ings into your Ideals and Dreams of Self-real­iza­tion. For you must express your­self, you must be your­self. You move with Pres­ence and see your­self reflect­ed in acts of self-aware Authen­tic­i­ty. You move into your greater spaces, leap­ing and flying…stretched upon your Wings of Emo­tion! You are Joyful!

To release who you tru­ly are…you first must meet your­self, and accept and hon­or the truth of your being and why you are here…

To be authen­tic, to choose your stage, to make that role your own…this is your Leo task…but there is much more…

You seek for approval, you yearn for recognition…You need the out­ward con­fir­ma­tion that you are appre­ci­at­ed, that you have Respect…but you must give if you are to receive…

The les­son of Leo is the les­son of Leadership…A true leader does not tell anoth­er what to do…They inspire them, they lift them up through the Bless­ing of Faith by say­ing “You can do this!”…and so they shall…For this is the Gift of Spir­it, to open the door through which the oth­er may move into their greater space too!

For every being needs respect, each and every needs to be Seen and Acknowl­edged in their truth…

This is the one, true and only path to the source of joy that each will find in them­selves and through one another…

For this is the core of Leo…this is the Heart of your story…

This Is Love!