Daily Archives: July 2, 2012

Full Moon in Capricorn (July 3, 2012)


Your year divides, into four quarters…four cor­ners to square this cir­cle of life. At each cor­ner there stands a sign of begin­ning, for each sea­son a start­ing line. At Spring and Fall you find a bal­ance, you poised upon that equinox­al line…where the bright­ness of day meets the dark­ness of night as equals…

But at Win­ter and Sum­mer you find the extreme, you can­not go any further…and you must turn and move towards the oth­er, for there is no oth­er way…You find your­self at a turn­ing and you must acknowl­edge, the cur­rent has turned, the tide will ebb and you must turn too…

Now at this Can­cer moment, at this Burn­ing Bright, this Sum­mer moment that is root­ed in your devo­tion to the per­son­al, to the home, to the fam­i­ly, it is all for your per­son­al pri­vate life. It is pre­cise­ly now that you must turn and acknowl­edge that you are part of some­thing greater too…that you have a duty and respon­si­bil­i­ty to some­thing beyond yourself…because you are part of some­thing greater than just this that is so very close and dear.

So you watch this ris­ing Moon with won­der, you con­sid­er what lies beyond the near at hand, the com­fort­able and familiar…You feel the pull of that larg­er life, the greater sto­ry yet to be told…You must pre­pare your­self, make secure these foun­da­tions upon which you stand…for you will have need of them upon the path ahead…

The Full Moon of Capri­corn reminds you now…

That you must bow your head and bend your knee,

To pre­pare for what is call­ing you now…

For you have your part in a greater work too…

And Win­ter is coming!

Mars Enters Libra (July 3, 2012)


Well, it’s about time, that’s for sure!

Mars has been “stuck” in Vir­go since Novem­ber 2011! That is a very, very long time to be work­ing in that Earthy realm, hon­ing and refin­ing your sense of Order and Wellness…of per­fect­ing your sense of well-being.

All in all, it was a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­sid­er that one true path­way, the one noble road that leads to your greater Peace of Mind!

Now what?

Well after that jour­ney of dis­cov­ery, adjust­ment and prepa­ra­tion, after going with­in and mak­ing your­self ready for what comes next…Now you get to take it “out there” and see what you have been prepar­ing for…

You have made your­self ready, oh yes you have, but for what? Why, for a bet­ter way of relating…Now you make your way out­ward to pre­pare for a bet­ter rela­tion­ship life!

Mars will move through Libra (rela­tion­ship) now until the last week of August. Here you must work with the plan­et that rules self-asser­tion and desire, and bend it through that bal­anced beam of Airy under­stand­ing so that Mars finds his way to con­sid­er the oth­er in order to find yourself. 

Mars in Libra is about the fight for fair­ness, the dri­ve for equal­i­ty and the restora­tion of jus­tice. Mars in Libra fights for Beau­ty and Truth, but nev­er alone…for here the path to self is through the oth­er, with the beloved, strid­ing hand in hand to make a bet­ter world.

Mars in Libra calls upon you now…

To join together…as you were meant to be.…

To make sacred your com­mon cause…in this jour­ney now…

For you cre­ate togeth­er the won­der of wonders…

Yes, you are ready…you are ready for We!