Daily Archives: July 12, 2012

Uranus Turns Retrograde (July 12–13, 2012)


The ruler of your High­er Mind, the Spir­i­tu­al Dri­ver, the Divine Impe­tus to your greater Indi­vid­u­a­tion and Freer Self-Expres­sion, the Lord Uranus turns ret­ro­grade for five months. From now until Decem­ber 13, you should turn with Uranus and move with those Mind-born ener­gies, tak­ing them inward, deep­er so you may root out those lim­its you made for your­self, those self-cast shad­ows which have hereto­fore held you in thrall to your less­er, more doubt­ing and fear­ful self.

Uranus rules your capac­i­ty to move beyond the con­di­tioned self, to reveal the inner glo­ry of your high­er con­scious­ness, car­ried by your high­er self. It is always there, your “Genius” with­in, but your low­er mind’s bound­ed­ness, its pre-occu­pa­tions and prej­u­dices block that inner voice of wis­dom from lift­ing you up into those clear­er path­ways, so that you might walk those ancient aisles in your tem­ple of truth.

Where­as Uranus mov­ing for­ward helps to estab­lish those clear­er path­ways for you and oth­ers to find your self-real­iza­tions with one anoth­er out­ward­ly, by and through your mutu­al growth through one anoth­er as you cre­ate freer spaces for self-realization.…Uranus ret­ro­grade is for you!

Uranus ret­ro­grade is your time to jour­ney with­in, so that you may cre­ate those clear­er path­ways with­in yourself…and espe­cial­ly to estab­lish, strength­en and extend that numi­nous bridge between your freer, High­er Mind and your low­er consciousness.

Uranus, the Awak­en­er is turn­ing for you!

Uranus, the First of the Three Emissaries…Turning now to bring you inward…

Uranus bestows upon you, the won­drous gift, the Quick­en­ing of your Mind…

He shines his super­nal light upon the path­way to your Self…

Now lit by his bril­liant dia­mond rays.…

You move clos­er to the cross­ing point…

Between your dark­ness and the Light…

You move into the Greater Understanding…

To Know Thy­self, to become the Becoming…

You embrace and are always embraced…

You were, are and will always be…
