Daily Archives: July 13, 2012

Mercury Turns Retrograde (July 14, 2012)


Her­mes spins around to go back and review his last 3 weeks in Leo. And, of course as is usu­al for him, he will be mov­ing in reverse for the next 3 weeks (so be pre­pared!), at which point he will turn around and con­tin­ue in Leo until the end of August…All in all, that is quite a cir­cling spi­ral dance for your mind, swirling round in those resplen­dent shin­ing rays of Leo.

But, of course, what inquir­ing minds seek to know…what does this mean for you? Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is always an oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to turn your think­ing back upon itself, to engage and devel­op your mar­velous fac­ul­ty of self-reflec­tion and self-correction!

Your men­tal path­ways can become fixed and nar­rowed, part­ly from habit and/or the seem­ing secu­ri­ty of rely­ing upon your assump­tions, and you end up con­scious­ly or uncon­scious­ly not being able to con­sid­er con­trar­i­an points of view or per­spec­tives. As a result and over time, your aware­ness and per­cep­tion of the shifts in the world(s) around you begins to drift fur­ther and fur­ther away from “real­i­ty”. What was your orig­i­nal yet lim­it­ed under­stand­ing becomes ever more dis­con­nect­ed from the unfold­ing pat­terns of your life journey.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is like a men­tal “re-boot”, a won­der­ful oppor­tu­ni­ty to refresh the mind by means of per­cep­tu­al re-set. The next 3 weeks is a gift…and you can move with this ener­getic shift to an Archimedean-like point out­side of your­self. It is this per­cep­tu­al shift that cre­ates a self-reflec­tive space, and from that freer space you can ques­tion your assump­tions and facts. It is from this re-align­ment or re-posi­tion­ing of your own men­tal­i­ty that will elic­it the growth so that you can cor­rect and improve your com­mu­ni­ca­tions with your fel­low companions.

Mer­cury ret­ro­grade is a time for men­tal self-cor­rec­tion and this ret­ro­grade loop­ing back is what can help you to first move towards your own greater self-aware­ness. This release into your expand­ed aware­ness will then allow you to devel­op your greater under­stand­ing for the oth­er too.

The first step, espe­cial­ly in Leo, is to acknowl­edge your imper­fec­tions as you let go of your ego-dri­ven pride, which pre­clud­ed your clair­voy­ance (clear-see­ing) and adopt a more accept­ing, lov­ing approach to the thoughts of your beloved. It is pre­cise­ly dur­ing the Mer­cury ret­ro­grade time that you can go back and cor­rect those mis­un­der­stand­ings, doubts and fears that may have come between your­self and another.

This open­ing of your own mind and build­ing of a bet­ter bridge between minds will be most secured through one sim­ple approach that comes from the core of, springs from the very heart of Leo. That heart doc­trine is based upon the fact that all in our uni­verse spring from the One, that in the end we are all ones of this One, and are bound to one anoth­er by and through our Love for one another…For with­out this there would nev­er be, could nev­er be real under­stand­ing whatsoever.

So as Mer­cury turns, you will turn too…

Turn and acknowledge…

You love yourself.

Then, turn and tell your beloved…

You love them too.

Heal your mind…mend our hearts.

For you are all ones of the One…

Who holds one and all in an ever­last­ing Love.