Daily Archives: July 14, 2012

Sun Squares Saturn (July 14–15, 2012)


Time to make your choice…whether to hold on or to let go, to turn left or right…it is time, time to choose!

Three months ago you came to a reck­on­ing, three months ago the Sun and Sat­urn faced one anoth­er and you took the mea­sure between your infi­nite poten­tial and your lim­it­ed reality.

Today you come to the next turn­ing in the year­ly Sun/Saturn cycle. Where­as the oppo­si­tion brought a rev­e­la­tion, the square presents you with a choice. You have reached a cross­ing point in your ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of self-real­iza­tion, of bring­ing your infi­nite poten­tial into real­i­ty. For as much as what you have poured into def­i­nite forms made your dreams come true, those very forms you moved into often become the very lim­it to the fur­ther real­iza­tion of your yet to be unfold­ed dreams.

So, you must choose…which dream is truer, which form is best…you must face squarely…which dream is done and which form must pass away…you must turn and face your fears and hopes…for you always have the choice…to choose between dark­ness and the light.

At each turn­ing, at each wax­ing or wan­ing square, you make a choice. At the wax­ing square you need to take action, you must com­mit to a bet­ter form to make real your dream…but at the wan­ing square, which you face now, you need to let go of some­thing in order to con­tin­ue on your ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of growth.

The rhythms of life sing to you now, they call for your choice…and you must let go. It may be a form that must pass away…it may be the idea that gave mean­ing to the form…but some­thing must go so that you may grow…

For from the very heart of you this is the one true shin­ing ray that runs through one and all…You Must Grow!

For you are not what you will be…

You are ever…forever and ever…

You, the self-unfold­ing, the becom­ing that wills to be…

And this is your time to choose!