Mars Opposition Uranus (July 18, 2012)


Now you come to Part 2 of your “dou­ble-dose” or “squeeze play”…your Spir­i­tu­al growth is bound to heat up as you encounter the quick­en­ing Fire of Mind-born inspi­ra­tions. Uranus has a rev­e­la­tion for Mars that you must weave into the shap­ing by your Will that came from Plu­to yesterday.

Mars in Libra inspires you to right the wrongs in all your relationships…You desire to re-estab­lish and/or main­tain the bal­ance between your­self and any oth­er, to make your shared space of “we” fair and just. Yet here Mars moves through the sign oppo­site to which it has ruler­ship over…so you might find that your desire to do what is right, to be con­sid­er­ate, just and fair will take you too far…you will make it “right” for every­one else…but what about you? You, in your enthu­si­asm for the good, will for­get the oth­er half…that is you may for­get or even sac­ri­fice you!

You need to remem­ber, by def­i­n­i­tion, that you are always one-half of any rela­tion­ship. You strive for jus­tice and equal­i­ty, to be fair and nice, but you end up “over-relating”…everyone is on the one side of the equa­tion but nobody is on your side…and your needs will remain unmet and your rela­tion­ships become even more unequal. You have made the error of sac­ri­fic­ing your Self instead of your ego.

Uranus is there to pro­vide the antidote…and then some! Uranus rules the first of three prin­ci­ples that flow from the heart of you, the Sacred Ker­nel of spir­i­tu­al ener­gies that form and cre­ate your unfold­ing, of you becom­ing more than your con­di­tion­ing. Uranus rules (and elic­its from with­in you) your high­er con­scious­ness, the aware­ness of your High­er Self…This Prin­ci­ple of a Free Mind is one of the three dri­ves for your Spir­i­tu­al Jour­ney, (the oth­er two being your Uncon­di­tion­al Love and your Cen­tered Will).

Uranus reminds you that at the core of you resides a Free Spir­it, an ever-unfold­ing Con­scious­ness mov­ing through many forms and Spaces…you are a Mind that is on an ever-unfold­ing jour­ney of dis­cov­ery and self-realization…and that you have one abid­ing Spir­i­tu­al Imperative…to Grow, to Become…And so does the oth­er before you too. Each must learn to respect, hon­or and sup­port the oth­er in their unfold­ing jour­ney of self-realization.

Uranus graces Mars with a rev­e­la­tion of Mind-Born fire…Uranus shines a won­drous light. It is the super­nal light of your greater understanding…which will free you. Uranus dis­pels those self-cast shad­ows, formed by your more lim­it­ed aware­ness, which helped to form those mis­placed desires and ill-timed actions that led to the unbal­anced state of your rela­tion­ships. Uranus illu­mines your way, so that you might under­stand how to forge a right relationship…through greater under­stand­ing and mutu­al agreement.

Uranus graces you now as you open your mind…You can let go of your well-inten­tioned but wrong­ful sac­ri­fices that did not cre­ate the shared space of “we” as it was meant to be. Your rela­tion­ship can only be true when it becomes a shared sacred space where each sees the oth­er as they are, where each encour­ages the oth­er to be more of who they are, to be more of “that”, in and through their relationship…For Free­dom can only exist in such a shared, sacred space…

Wel­come Uranus, the Lord of your Freer Mind…

He shines a light that dis­pels your shadows…

Right Thinking…Right Action…

As you join togeth­er in the Sacred Cir­cle of We.

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