New Moon in Cancer (July 18–19, 2012)


The Moon pass­es between you and the Sun, she cir­cles round, wax­ing and wan­ing, she moves in and out…She is the weaver of forces, the medi­a­tor between realms, the trans­la­tor of the ener­gies from with­in and from without…she weaves her web of care and pro­tec­tion for you, attend­ing to those who sojourn here on Terra.

Yes, you face anoth­er New Moon, you turn as the sun sets and see the dark­ness fall, the time of great­est shad­ow, your time of waiting…you watch for the meet­ing of the Day-mak­er and the Nightwalker…You wait for anoth­er chance to begin…

Every month the meet­ing of the Sun and Moon cre­ate a new dis­pen­sa­tion for you. The world shifts, the mood changes as you receive a fresh inspi­ra­tion of spir­i­tu­al energies…and this gift lifts your spir­it as it reminds you of your pur­pose and path.

Today’s gift comes from Can­cer, which bestows upon you those famil­iar bless­ings of home. For there is noth­ing more impor­tant than your con­nec­tion to your source, there is no more impor­tant jour­ney than to find the way back to your center.

Can­cer con­nects and affirms the roots of your life, where you may hon­or and cher­ish the foun­da­tions of your being, and of all beings…and this is what Can­cer whis­pers as you cel­e­brate this touch­ing gift, this most won­drous feel­ing of belonging.

Bow your head as the Moon pass­es before you…

Bow your head and give thanks for the bless­ings that spring from within…

Cel­e­brate the feel­ing that you belong, that you are part of some greater company…

Remem­ber this feel­ing, this feel­ing of com­ing home…

And smile!


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