Jupiter Sextile Uranus (July 21–22, 2012)


Oppor­tu­ni­ty is call­ing, call­ing for you to become more than you can imag­ine. The ques­tion is…will you be open to the turn­ing that it offers, are you will­ing to trav­el upon anoth­er pathway…to take “the road less trav­elled by” for “that will make all the difference”?

Jupiter is mer­ri­ly danc­ing through the realms of curios­i­ty, com­mu­ni­ca­tion and intel­li­gence. The Lord of your Prin­ci­ples, Truths and Atti­tudes is tak­ing great delight in help­ing you to forge new dis­cov­er­ies. You are stretch­ing and extend­ing, com­par­ing and con­trast­ing, test­ing and debating…you go back and forth, you puz­zle over those eter­nal questions…Who am I…and who are You…What do you know, how do you know it…and do you tru­ly understand?

To add spice to your soar­ing search­es, to take you on a turn towards the unex­plored and unfore­seen, to seek for your truth upon a high­er plane…Welcome now the Lord of Awak­en­ing. Uranus, who always takes you by sur­prise, who leads you out upon those unex­pect­ed pathways…he takes you now upon those mind bend­ing ways that lie beyond Sat­urn’s Rings, beyond those bands of your Bound­ed Thinking…

Uranus elic­its through sym­pa­thet­ic res­o­nance, he quick­ens from with­in your high­er con­scious­ness, which is your spir­i­tu­al gift that leads you to your freer mind. By being able, even for a moment, to rise above your bound­ed mind, by what is the com­mon and accept­ed, he lifts you beyond the rul­ing par­a­digms so you can see the world with a more unfet­tered appreciation…deeper, vaster, more nuanced and true.

By shift­ing your aware­ness and under­stand­ing, your chal­lenges will become more approachable…your oppor­tu­ni­ties more realizable…your path more true to the noble mid­dle way of Spirit…

So take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to grow beyond your ordinary…

Look ahead, upon that star­ry path­way you walk upon…

Look ahead and see…your road divides in twain…

Look ahead, seek with­in, look up…

and take the road less trav­elled by.

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