Daily Archives: July 22, 2012

Sun Enters Leo (July 22, 2012)


Your year­ly rhyth­mic sweep­ing arc is turn­ing again, radi­at­ing forth in Spir­it-born ener­gies. Your Spi­ral jour­ney forms into the Twelve Sta­tions of Life set by your Star. Today, that awe­some Solar Life-Force comes home. The return of the Sun to Leo turns your atten­tion outwards…it is time for your Debut…Time to take your act out there. It is time to move upon a greater stage!

You need, you must…you will stretch your­self! You will reach out from your new­found Cen­ter and move with greater con­fi­dence into those daz­zling spot­lights of your life…you must release that truer you, the Bet­ter you that was met and secured in your Can­cer sojourn…

You have left the Waters and now re-enter Fire’s realm. You turn from how you feel to the bring­ing forth through Emo­tion.…you are draw­ing-pour­ing-shap­ing those feel­ings into your Ideals and Dreams of Self-real­iza­tion. For you must express your­self, you must be your­self. You move with Pres­ence and see your­self reflect­ed in acts of self-aware Authen­tic­i­ty. You move into your greater spaces, leap­ing and flying…stretched upon your Wings of Emo­tion! You are Joyful!

To release who you tru­ly are…you first must meet your­self, and accept and hon­or the truth of your being and why you are here…

To be authen­tic, to choose your stage, to make that role your own…this is your Leo task…but there is much more…

You seek for approval, you yearn for recognition…You need the out­ward con­fir­ma­tion that you are appre­ci­at­ed, that you have Respect…but you must give if you are to receive…

The les­son of Leo is the les­son of Leadership…A true leader does not tell anoth­er what to do…They inspire them, they lift them up through the Bless­ing of Faith by say­ing “You can do this!”…and so they shall…For this is the Gift of Spir­it, to open the door through which the oth­er may move into their greater space too!

For every being needs respect, each and every needs to be Seen and Acknowl­edged in their truth…

This is the one, true and only path to the source of joy that each will find in them­selves and through one another…

For this is the core of Leo…this is the Heart of your story…

This Is Love!