Daily Archives: July 23, 2012

Mercury Sextile Jupiter (July 24, 2012)


Today is a day for clear think­ing, today is a day to make your point!

Mer­cury as Her­mes, delight­ing in his role as the Mes­sen­ger, is weav­ing a web between Jupiter today and then Uranus tomor­row. He is help­ing to make avail­able, to bring togeth­er and deliv­er on the promise of that Jupiter/Uranus align­ment from this past weekend…

Today Mer­cury gets an assist from Jupiter and you are able to give (or to receive) rea­son­able advice. You will under­stand your own mind bet­ter and form a deep­er more mean­ing­ful con­nec­tion with the oth­er too…

Found­ed upon this, upon more expan­sive and inclu­sive per­spec­tives, your aims and means, your rea­son­ings and deci­sions will span the divide between I and thou…and you will smile.

Today you will under­stand one anoth­er, bet­ter than before!

For a gift is offered that lifts your awareness.…so that

The shad­ow that fell between I and thou, is part­ed for a while…

You see the veil is lift­ed, reveal­ing won­ders all around…

Today is a good day!

And you will smile…