Daily Archives: July 24, 2012

Mercury Trine Uranus (July 25, 2012)


Brilliance…Genius…that is what this means…pure Genius!

You meet today with the sec­ond gift from Hermes…you move from the expan­sive gifts of Jupiter to the unfet­tered paths that lie beyond Sat­urn’s rings…you walk the Halls of Wis­dom with Uranus by your side…

When found in a Natal chart, this aspect indi­cates that the indi­vid­ual in ques­tion has a mar­velous capac­i­ty to think freely, to tran­scend the nor­mal bound­aries of con­ven­tion­al truth. They are endowed with the means to move beyond…into the realms of a high­er con­scious­ness and so begin to espy, to make a clos­er approach to what is called true Wis­dom or Cos­mic Consciousness.

Today you will have a brush with your destiny…For you are graced by this gift of the Spir­it as it quick­ens what lies with­in you, waiting…it is a pre­view of where you will reside once you have passed through these nec­es­sary but low­er realms. You must pass through these schools of Intel­li­gence, Thought and Rea­son, as you make your­self ready to approach the Halls of True Enlightenment…

Freed from the con­ven­tion­al, even for a brief moment, you can see the world and the prob­lems con­fronting you in a clear­er light. The old assump­tions, which cast their shad­ows, which formed your self-made lim­its to a more com­plete under­stand­ing, those phan­toms melt away as you look upon the issue (and the oth­er before you) with your Self-Lumi­nous Vision.

You are lift­ed up…you taste that sweet fra­grance from a high­er plane of con­scious­ness where all is new, where there is the eter­nal now, the ever-present, where you will always find your Burn­ing Bright, your Watch­er. You reach that van­tage point from which to view the mat­ter with­out the heavy weight of con­ven­tion­al lim­its, beyond your his­to­ry of regrets and fears…you are freer!

Today is a day to think beyond…to solve the puzzle…to touch the deep­er mind and grace the heart of the oth­er before you…

Today you can let go of the less­er and dis­cov­er the greater…for it has always been wait­ing with­in you…

Your High­er Self, you Know­ing Self, always there…patiently, lov­ing­ly inspir­ing you as you jour­ney upon your path…

To know yourself…to know your world…

Today you will reach within…

and you will touch the Stars!