The Moon comes around again, arching over to the “farther side” of Earth…she stands in that “outer space”, leaning away from the Sun…Whenever she moves out there, she is outside of Earth’s orbit, beyond that circled inner realm you call home, floating in the vastness of the greater beyond.
You look at Luna, she beckons to you now…She’s arching there, riding high, “The Brightly Shining One”, lovingly lit by the Sun’s majestic Aura streaming. For you on Earth, the Full Moon like a beacon, as you revel, as you marvel in all her beauty and mystery. She comes in her Fullness…bearing Gifts of the Spirit…she has a message for you…
Her Aquarius revelation is just right…this Luna Moon-Beaming reflects back upon your Leo Need for Attention now, that surge of Personalization that comes with the Sun’s sojourn in Leo. The Moon hanging up there reminds you, asks you…To what end are all your dramas, all your great works of art, your declarations and feats of derring-do…to what end do you do the things that you do, what or who are they for?
Luna reminds you now, that you, the Actor, the star of the drama that you call “your life”…that your life, this part that you play, this role is part of a greater life too. Your personal life, your strivings and struttings, they are ever rounded, bounded and thrilled through by the feelings and meanings, the sharings and togetherness that is made and found, rooted and joined through the ones you journey with.
For you move within a Sacred Company…they are your colleagues, your companions, your best of the best, who chose you and you choose them to be part of this life. These are your Friends, whose dreams are your dreams. For only with one another can you form the dream, live the dream, become the dream…and that is what takes you from a Star, a one trying to turn the tide, takes you and makes you into one of many ones joined as One…who will become the tide that changes the world…
Dance in the light of Aquarius…see Luna shining brightly…
Arching high, she is a Star…embraced in a sea of stars…
As you, the dreamer dreaming…journey in a company of dreamers…
Your life, their life…together made, as One.